Mobil Vactra SLC220 Way and Slide LubricantsWay and Slide LubricantsProduct Description
The Mobil Vactra? Oil Numbered Series are premium-quality slideway lubricants specifically designed to meet the requirements for accuracy, aqueous coolant separability, and equipment protection of precision machine tools.
The Mobil Vactra Oil Numbered Series is carefully formulated from high-quality base stocks and performance balanced with an advanced additive system that provides controlled frictional properties, compatibility with aqueous metal working fluids and corrosion protection of parts and equipment. The unique additive package provides exceptional frictional properties on a wide variety of way materials, including steel on steel and steel on polymer, reducing stick-slip and chatter. This allows smooth, uniform motion at design travel speeds enhancing machine productivity and accuracy helping to prolong tool life and enhance surface finish. The Mobil Vactra Oil Numbered Series has been optimized to provide separability from many aqueous coolants while minimizing the corrosive effects of high pH coolants on lubricated surfaces.
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Mobil DTE FM Series oils are high performance lubricants designed to satisfy a wide range of multi-use equipment requirements for the food processing and packaging industry. These lubricants are quali
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