eatures and BenefitsThe Mobil SHC 500 Series hydraulic oils exhibit outstanding low and high temperature performance providing an extra margin of equipment protection above and beyond the capabilities of comparable mineral oil-based products. Their excellent oxidation resistance allows extension of oil and filter change intervals while assuring exceptionally clean systems and trouble-free operation. Their high level of anti-wear properties and excellent film strength characteristics result in exceptional equipment performance that results in fewer breakdowns and helps improve production capacity. Their controlled demulsibility permits the oils to work well in systems contaminated with small amounts of water yet readily separate large amounts of water.FeaturesAdvantages and Potential BenefitsDesign-Specific Synthetic Base stockExtended service intervals
Cleaner system and reduced close-tolerance valve sticking
Improved filterabilityExceptional Anti-wearReduced wear
Protects systems using various metallurgyHigh Viscosity IndexWide temperature range performance
Assures equipment protection at cold start-up temperatures
Protects system components at high operating temperaturesOutstanding Oxidation StabilityProvides long oil and equipment life
Extends filter lifeExcellent Corrosion ProtectionPrevents internal hydraulic system corrosion
Reduces negative effects of moisture in systems
Provides corrosion protection of multi-metallurgy component designsVery Good Multi-metal CompatibilityAssures excellent performance of various components
Reduces requirements for additional products
随着我国工业的发展,工业生产从重工业的炼钢、发电,到精密仪器制造和纺织工业,各行各业用油千差万别,且使用的机械设备和工艺条件多种多样,因此,对所使用的润滑剂的要求也各不相同。 工业用润滑剂包括非常广泛的润滑油品种和实际应用领域。虽然品种繁多、举不胜举,但其主要品种如:蒸汽透平油、轴承润滑油、液压油、齿轮油、机床润滑油、润滑脂、金属加工液、纺织用润滑油、淬火油、导热油、电器油、冷冻机油、防锈油等,
深化成立以来,先后为众多客户提供产品和服务,涵盖汽车、汽车制造、机械、冶金、采矿、钢铁、工程、农业、电梯、石油化工等领域。在全国各地销售的产品已达千余个品种,除了标准产品之外,更有大量专业性的定制产品,可满足不同的客户需求。并不断突破创新取得了可喜的经营业绩,得到了众多客户和供应商伙伴一致的高度认可。 我们拥有一支专业的技术和销售队伍,能为全国各级客户提供24小时的润滑技术咨询及贴心的售后服务。
汽轮机油型号、嘉实多金属切削加工油乌市供求趋势【资讯快报】中石化携手中海油资源互补抢占润滑油蓝海市场 近日,中石化长城润滑油与中海油气开发利用公司签署合作协议,双方将在环保橡胶填充油以及变压器和润滑脂基础油的研发使用领域开展深入合作。作为国内润滑油行业的良好品牌,长城此举或彰显出其未来整合多方资源的市场布局战略,这也是新经济形势下大企业间寻求合作共赢的典型案例。中国目前已成为世界上排名*二的润滑油
公司名: 深圳市深化化工润滑油有限公司
联系人: 安先生
电 话: 0755-36613301
手 机: 15625240301
微 信: 15625240301
地 址: 新疆五家渠兵团一零三团深圳市光明新区大成科技工业园
邮 编: 518220
公司名: 深圳市深化化工润滑油有限公司
联系人: 安先生
手 机: 15625240301
电 话: 0755-36613301
地 址: 新疆五家渠兵团一零三团深圳市光明新区大成科技工业园
邮 编: 518220