The proprietary polyurea thickener system in Mobil Polyrex EP 2 exhibits excellent durability and stability when subjected to a mechanical shearing force. For example, in the ASTM D 217 cone penetration test, the consistency of Mobil Polyrex EP 2 changed by approximately one NLGI grade after being worked for 100,000 strokes - similar to the performance of high-quality lithium-complex greases, which are the benchmark for excellent shear stability. By contrast, competitive polyurea greases containing shear-unstable thickener technology can soften by three NLGI grades under the same test conditions. Good mechanical shear stability is important in roller bearing applications where excessive grease softening may lead to grease leakage or purging from the bearing.
The Mobil Polyrex EP 2 formulation is enhanced with water-resistant polymers that enable it to form a tenacious protective film in applications that are heavily contaminated with water. The excellent results obtained for Mobil Polyrex EP 2 in the water washout (ASTM D 1264) and water spray-off (ASTM D 4049) tests demonstrate the grease's ability to stay in place, even in the presence of a pressurized water spray.
In summary, Mobil Polyrex EP 2 offers the following features and benefits:Outstanding high-temperature oxidation stabilityExcellent mechanical shear stabilityThermally stable extreme-pressure (EP) protectionWide operating temperature range -20°C (-4°F) to 160°C (320°F)Exceptional resistance to water spray-off and water washout
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嘉实多Variocut C 334油性切削液 嘉实多Variocut C 462油性切削液 嘉实多Variocut D 734油性切削液 【机械设备使用润滑油温馨提示】初级、二级放大试验成功以及奥吉娜三级放大试验设备的安装,为下一步的工业化生产装置的设计、建造提供了较可靠的参数依据,标志着奥吉娜公司已经掌握地沟油转化为生态润滑油的工艺过程和条件,标志着奥吉娜地沟油项目即将从实验室走上工业化生产历
公司名: 深圳市深化化工润滑油有限公司
联系人: 安先生
电 话: 0755-36613301
手 机: 15625240301
微 信: 15625240301
地 址: 新疆五家渠兵团一零三团深圳市光明新区大成科技工业园
邮 编: 518220
公司名: 深圳市深化化工润滑油有限公司
联系人: 安先生
手 机: 15625240301
电 话: 0755-36613301
地 址: 新疆五家渠兵团一零三团深圳市光明新区大成科技工业园
邮 编: 518220