Jiangxi province Dayu County Longjun environmental protection mechanism charcoal plant, located in the world -- Dayu County wu. The factory existing fixed bamboo kiln of charcoal 102, manufacturing of bamboo charcoal for high temperature and high quality mechanism of bamboo charcoal, bamboo charcoal, charcoal, hookah charcoal, mechanism charcoal, high temperature carbon products professional production and processing company, the production mechanism of carbon 90% of exports abroad. Mechanism charcoal factory is using ** bamboo chip high temperature compression molding, by firing high temperature carbonization and into environmental protection mechanism charcoal, hookah, barbecue, heating and purifying air of great activities, with burning for a long time, flammable, flame resistant, not deflagration, high calorific value, good firepower advantages; combustion smokeless, tasteless, no pollution; less ash after burning, grayish white is internationally recognized green products. Can be continuous throughout the year, welcome friends from all circles to visit, guidance and business negotiation. Contact: Miss Guo Phone/Wechat: 13766365651 QQ: 3132802059
低温炭 低温炭,其质地疏松,含碳量低,机械强度差,用手掂起来,感觉轻飘飘的,它主要用于工农业(如炼硅厂),取暖和火锅等。 中温炭 中温炭烧烤炭,其质地比低温炭紧密,含碳量略**低温炭。用手掂起来,有"沉"的感觉。它主要用于烧烤,此外也可以用于工农业,取暖及火锅等。 高温炭 高温优质炭,它是由高温炉烧炼而成.其质地硬实,用手掂起来较重,能沉于水,敲打时能发出钢音,它的含碳量大,挥发份和
Jiangxi province Dayu County Longjun environmental protection mechanism charcoal plant, located in the world -- Dayu County wu. The factory existing fixed bamboo kiln of charcoal 102, manuf
高温机制竹炭 以竹屑为原料,经烘干炉烘干成干湿度适当的标准原材料,冷却后进入成型机(制棒机),再经高温、高压塑化后成型为薪棒(半成品),经炭化炉(土窑)炭化即成成品机制竹炭。其质地硬实,用手掂起来较重,能沉于水,敲打时能发出钢音,它的含碳量大,挥发分和灰分小,燃烧时无火焰,耐烧度是低温炭的3倍,是中温炭的2倍。它适用于一切用炭的场合,特别是高档烧烤和出口
从制作难度上看:高温炭技术门槛很高,对于烘干、制棒和进窑炭化工艺技术要求比低温中温炭要严格很多。低温炭炭化温度较低,在300-400度左右,高温炭炭化温度在800度以上,最后炼炭时温度达到1000多度,所以才叫高温炭。 从使用上看:低温炭燃烧有烟,火焰呈棕黄色,温度低,烧烤食物时容易烤糊,而且冒黑烟容易污染食物,一般低档烧烤排挡和居民冬天烤火会使用,价格较低。高温炭燃烧时火焰无色或呈淡青色,温度
公司名: 大余县龙君环保机制竹炭厂
联系人: 郭小姐
电 话: 0797-15297705575
手 机: 15297705575
微 信: 15297705575
地 址: 江西赣州大余县游仙村
邮 编: 341500