
    TT high ozone UV lamp / finishing
    	According to the Guangdong provincial Environmental Protection Bureau news, 
    according to the monitoring data show that in 2015, Guangdong Province, last 
    year the proportion of the primary pollutant is the biggest ozone, reached 
    40.5%, beyond the PM2.5 has become the most important pollutants in the region. 
    Guangdong Provincial Environmental Protection Bureau, said 45 period, Guangdong 
    will be the cause ozone pollution "culprit" VOCs into the total emission 
    reduction targets, implement the control of the total industry, from the source 
    to reduce the VOCs emission, continue to improve the province's air 
    		In February 23rd from the Guangdong provincial Environmental Protection 
    Bureau was informed that, according to the monitoring data of Guangdong in 2015 
    last year, the primary pollutants of air in the largest proportion of the ozone 
    reached 40.5%, beyond the PM2.5 has become the most important pollutants in the 
    		"Unlike the impact on the visibility of PM2.5, the influence of ozone is 
    almost not visibility, sometimes see the blue sky and white clouds, but the 
    ozone has exceed the standard." Guangdong Province atmospheric environment chief 
    expert Liu Zhu Zhong An Interview introduction, and directly pollute the air of 
    a different pollutants, ozone is a secondary pollutant, mostly from automobile 
    exhaust, industrial production, emissions of nitrogen oxides and volatile 
    organic compounds VOCs in the light under the action of hair of photochemical 
    reaction generated.
    		Although earth's upper stratospheric ozone can absorb short wave 
    ultraviolet ray which is harmful to human body, but on the surface of the earth, 
    the high concentration ozone will irritation and damage to the nervous system, 
    respiratory system, have a negative effect on human health.
    		In addition to this, the key of VOCs (volatile organic compounds) is the 
    formation of PM2.5 precursor is an important source of haze and photochemical 
    smog pollution, itself also has characteristics of high toxicity, especially the 
    emissions from industrial sources of VOCs are of great harm to the environment 
    and the human body.
    		Guangdong petrochemical enterprises are widely distributed, while Guangdong 
    is also the national paint, packaging, furniture and printing Province, and 
    these enterprises are VOCs emitters". In addition, people of Guangdong Province 
    Academy of Environmental Sciences also pointed out that as the 50% container 
    production base in Guangdong, container manufacturing industry VOCs emissions is 
    quite amazing.
    			Shanxi TT gas processing environmental technology center, is a professional 
    design, production and sales of high-tech enterprises photolysis purification 
    			Shanxi TT as the photolysis purification products pioneer and advocate, 
    since 2008 the attention in industrial waste gas treatment photolysis lamp and 
    control of industrial pollution in photolysis equipment R & D, production 
    and sales of photolysis lamp is numerous environmental companies and end 
    customers photolysis purification project photolysis light quality 
    			Shanxi TT waste gas processing environmental technology center professional 
    for aquatic products processing factory, fish meal factory, chemical plant, 
    spraying plants, food plants, medical units, electronic industry and oil 
    refinery, garbage power plant, rubber plant, pharmaceutical factory, sewage 
    treatment plant, paper mills, tanneries, paint factory, refuse transfer stations 
    and other malodorous gas deodorization purification treatment and so on, to 
    provide high accuracy high transmittance photolysis ultraviolet lamp tube and 
    the ballast, and OEM processing.
    		Guangdong Provincial Environmental Protection Bureau, said 45 period, 
    Guangdong will be the cause ozone pollution "culprit" VOCs into the total 
    emission reduction targets, implement the control of the total industry, 
    vigorously promote the petrochemical, plastics, printing, furniture and other 
    key industries and enterprises VOCs comprehensive improvement, from the source 
    to reduce VOCs emissions, and continuously improve the province's air 


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  • 动物尸体无害化处理废气除臭较新技术

    动物尸体定义 动物尸体指死亡动物的完整或部分躯体,应包括动物内脏及其报废肉类。广义上动物尸体应包括所有的死亡动物的完整或部分躯体,不仅是饲养的畜禽、特种养殖动物,还有**的动物,甚至各种昆虫。处理方案 不管是否正常死亡或疫病死亡的动物尸体,往往携带多种病菌,若不处理或处理不当,尸体会很快分解、散发臭气,使病源微生物污染空气、水源和土壤,造成疾病的传播与蔓延,同时与其直接或间接接触的人都有感染的可能

  • VOCs被广东纳入总量减排指标

    山西TT高臭氧紫外线灯/整理 Shanxi TT high ozone UV lamp / finishing 据广东省环保厅消息,根据2015年的监测数据显示,广东省去年首要污染物中比例较大的是臭氧,达到了40.5%,追赶PM2.5成为区域内较主要的污染物。广东省环保厅方面表示,“十三五”时期,广东将把造成臭氧污染的“元凶”VOCs纳入总量减排指标,落实行业总量控制,从源头削减VOCs排放,持续

  • 硫化氢废气处理及新老技术比较

    TT废气处理/(整理) 工业排放的废气中所含的H2S气体,不只能够导致管道和催化剂的中毒、致使技能条件恶化、设备的腐蚀,并且会构成相当严重的环境污染,乃至损害人类生活。因此,有必要对排放的H2S气体进行管理。硫化氢气体是一种日益导致**注重的大气污染公害,它是典型的恶臭类气体,具有污染规模很广、影响很大的特色。硫化氢废气处理紫外线灯不但创造性的为煤化工及石化企业无污染找到了一种新途径,而且这种方

  • 垃圾转运站废气用什么处理方式效果好

    TT废气处理/(整理) 垃圾是人类日常生活和生产中产生的固体废弃物,由于排出量大,成分复杂多样,且具有污染性、资源性和社会性,需要无害化、资源化、减量化和社会化处理,如不能妥善处理,就会污染环境,影响环境卫生,浪费资源,破坏生产生活安全,破坏社会和谐。垃圾处理就是要把垃圾迅速清除,并进行无害化处理,最后加以合理的利用。当今广泛应用的垃圾处理方法是卫生填埋、高温焚烧和堆肥。垃圾处理的目的是无害化、

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公司名: 深圳市海德隆光电科技有限公司

联系人: 寇艳萍

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电 话: 0354-3991971

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