super mirror finished stainless steel strip and sheet made in China

     WHO WE ARE 
       Shanghai Yoogle metal technology Co.,Ltd(Yoogle brand) found in 2008,Our factory locate in Jinshan industrial zone ,Shanghai ,China.Holding by Naut company in 2015. In the market of the professional mirror metal, we are distinguished by long experience and traditions. Always searching and studying for innovative solutions concerning the high-end decoration and functional application requirements, ensuring the highest standards of reliability and efficiency,We are keeping a focus on technology upgrading, Especially focus on extremely wide and very thin mirror metal sheet and strips.Our harmonious team have knowledge and passion for mirror business , careful to capture all the different aspects of the world of the professional mirror metal which is always evolving, allows us to look to the future with confidence and optimism.
        Our excellent product and service are provided to a lot of  the famous companies in the worldwide, more understanding and learning  our all by  Email international@
      WHAT WE DO 
    YOOGLE's product series are very wealth and professional,  our main business is covered as follows:                 
        ▍Super mirror metal sheet&strips polishing 
        ▍Super mirror finish metal coating film(PVD,anodizing)
        ▍Integrated processing and innovative solution for mirror metal
        ▍High-quality materials(stainless steel,aluminum,titanium,etc)                                                                                      
      WHY US 
    ▍A variety of metal materials can be make mirror finish(eg.SS,Al,Ti,etc)
    ▍Advanced polish equipment and technology
    ▍Reliable supply capacity
    ▍Have a test center for all of the new product and project
    ▍Turn-key projects
    ▍ ......
       Efforts to develop the more deep processing technology, and strive to Yoogle brand as a pioneer and leader in nano scale mirror metal technology.
      At Yoogle,You will find the deal product and service, please try to approach for us.To be a good partner with us,Maybe you get more surprise .


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  • 中国一家薄不锈钢卷板带**级镜面研磨&抛光生产线落成


  • 宽幅铝合金板带的**级镜面研磨在上海佑戈研制成功

    根据市场调研总结:市面上的铝镜面板带非常多,制成铝镜面的工艺也有很多种(如轧亮、电镀、阳极氧化、化学抛光等),因铝合金具有化学和物理性能方面的特殊性,所以,很难将纯铝和铝合金达到像不锈钢镜面一样的效果。因市场的刚性需求,铝镜面质量级别也是层次不齐,除了德国镀膜工艺后的高品质镜面铝外,在**范围几乎很难找到*二家同等级别的镜面铝板带。 上海佑戈金属科技有限公司(YOOGLE团队)使用特殊的精密研磨

  • super mirror finished stainless steel strip and sheet made in China

    WHO WE ARE Shanghai Yoogle metal technology Co.,Ltd(Yoogle brand) found in 2008,Our factory locate in Jinshan industrial zone ,Shanghai ,China.Holding by Naut company in 2015. In the market of the pr

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