山西TT废气处理环保技术中心/整理 Shanxi TT waste gas treatment and environmental protection technology center / finishing 近年来VOCs领域陆续出台多项政策及法规,山西TT废气处理(深圳海德隆山西办)和您一同分享: In recent years, VOCs has introduced a number of policies and regulations, Shanxi TT gas processing (Shenzhen Haidelong Shanxi Office) to share with you: 作为臭氧形成和PM2.5的重要前体物质,VOCs是大气治理的难点。据悉,VOCs排放主要来自印刷、石油化工等众多行业。 As an important precursor of ozone formation and PM2.5, VOCs is the difficult point of atmospheric treatment. It is reported that VOCs emissions mainly from printing, petrochemical and many other industries. 近年来,政策对VOCs治理不断加码,**层设计日趋完善。2016年1月1日开始实行的《大气污染防治法》**将VOCs纳入监管范围。《“十三五”节能减排综合工作方案》多处重点提到挥发性**物治理,为挥发性**物治理行业明确发展方向,并提出全国挥发性**物排放总量比2015年下降10%以上。 In recent years, the policy of VOCs governance continue to overweight, top-level design is becoming more perfect. January 1, 2016 began the implementation of the air pollution control law for the first time into the regulatory scope of VOCs. The "13th Five-Year" comprehensive energy reduction program of work "multiple focusing on the treatment of volatile organic compounds, for the treatment of volatile organic compounds, the industry a clear direction of development, and put forward the VOCs emissions decreased by more than 10% than in 2015. 业内人士估计,在政策强力推动下,“十三五”期间VOCs治理市场将迎来爆发式增长,市场规模预计将**过1500亿元。中国环境保护产业协会废气净化**秘书长郝郑平表示,随着各重点行业排放标准的陆续颁布实施,以及VOCs排污收费制度的制定,VOCs的治理行业将进入发展快车道。 Industry insiders estimate that the policy driven by a strong, "13th Five-Year" during the VOCs governance market will usher in the explosive growth, the market size is expected to exceed 150 billion yuan. China Association of environmental protection industry waste gas purification committee secretary general Hao Zhengping said that with the emission standard of the key sectors successively promulgated and implemented, and the development of VOCs charging system, the governance of the VOCs industry will enter the fast lane. 中国环保在线认为,业内对VOCs治理做出乐观的预计,并非没有根据。数据显示,2015年中国16个VOCs排放总量控制省份合计排放VOCs总量1700万吨、占中国3000万吨排放总量的56.7%。 China environmental protection online believes that the industry is optimistic about the VOCs governance is expected, is not unfounded. Data show that in 2015 China's total emissions of 16 VOCs total control of the province's total VOCs emissions of 17 million tons, accounting for China's total emissions of 30 million tons of 56.7%. 到2018年,工业行业VOCs排放量比2015年削减330万吨以上到2020年中国VOCs排放总量较2015年下降10%,16个总量控制城市减排250万吨以上,整体预计2016-2020年中国VOCs整体减排量在450-500万吨左右,“十三五”期间中国VOCs治理行业市场规模将达到900-1000亿元左右,年复合增速将达到20-25%。 By 2018, the industry VOCs emissions reduction of 3 million 300 thousand compared to 2015 to 2020 Chinese tons of VOCs emissions decreased by 10% compared to 2015, 16 city total control emissions of 2 million 500 thousand tons or more, the overall expected 2016-2020 VOCs Chinese overall reductions in 450-500 million tons, "13th Five-Year" during the Chinese VOCs governance industry market size will reach 900-1000 million yuan, the annual compound growth rate will reach 20-25%. *环保联合会秘书长张永红指出,VOCs治理与监测行业已经进入发展的快车道,预计VOCs治理市场将迎来新一轮的爆发式增长。但由于国内VOCs的治理工作起步较晚,目前VOCs治理行业结构还不完善,严重缺乏专业人才队伍,市场上存在低价竞争等现象。 China Environmental Protection Association Secretary General Zhang Yonghong pointed out that the VOCs governance and monitoring industry has entered the fast track of development, the market is expected to usher in a new round of VOCs governance explosive growth. However, due to the late start of the domestic VOCs governance, VOCs governance industry structure is not perfect, the lack of professional personnel, the existence of low-cost competition in the market. 另外根据*机构调研,处于起步阶段的VOCs市场,小企业多,水平参差不齐,且受到配套政策不完善、付费主体支付能力弱等问题的掣肘,仍需要**、企业、第三方等进一步推动。由于目前我国VOCs治理与监测市场的技术储备与立法尚不健全,市场仍处于蓝海阶段。 According to the research authority, at the initial stage of the VOCs market, small businesses, uneven level constraints and by supporting policies are not perfect, pay the main problems such as weak capacity to pay, still needs the government, enterprises, and further promote the third party. At present, China's VOCs governance and monitoring market technical reserves and legislation is not perfect, the market is still in the blue ocean stage. 信达证券研报认为,由于中国尚未建立VOCs污染企业的源清单,源头减排刚刚起步。2017年-2018年VOCs治理的市场空间主要是两部分,一部分为石油化工、包装印刷工业园区和重点VOCs监管企业的监测设备投入;另一部分为重点企业自行或者委托第三方实施的VOCs回收和末端治理的投入。预计2017年-2018年VOCs监测和治理的市场空间约为438亿元。 XinDa securities research report that, since China has not yet established a list of VOCs pollution sources, the source of emission reduction has just started. In 2017 -2018 VOCs governance market space is mainly of two parts, one part is the monitoring equipment of petroleum chemical industry, packaging and printing industrial park and key regulatory VOCs business investment; the other part is the implementation of key enterprises by themselves or entrust the third party VOCs recovery and end control input. Expected 2017 -2018 VOCs monitoring and management of the market space of about 43 billion 800 million yuan. 不管各个机构与业内人士预计的结果如何,相信随着环保市场中,EPC/BT/BOT/PPP模式将逐渐成为主流。企业应发挥自身优势,积极拓展渠道,快速**市场。尤其,对于产品**的上游企业可以通过寻求下游公司的并购,快速成为VOCs治理方案提供商,这将对企业的快速发展至关重要。 Regardless of the results of various institutions and the industry is expected, I believe that with the environmental market, EPC/BT/BOT/PPP model will gradually become the mainstream. Enterprises should give full play to their own advantages, and actively expand channels, the rapid occupation of the market. In particular, the product of the upstream enterprises can be sought through the acquisition of the downstream company, quickly become a provider of VOCs governance program, which will be critical to the rapid development of enterprises.
TT废气处理/(整理) 目前,挥发性**污染物(VOC)已经严重影响到人的健康,在诊断和科学研究中,证实了这些症状的产生是由于长期接触含有VOC的室内环境的导致的,伴随着社会经济的发展和人类物质水平的提高,VOC对人体的健康和生态环境的影响已不容忽视。当前数以万计的人们受到了挥发性**污染物的影响。 目前山西TT废气处理环保技术中心研发的波长更短,能量更强的真
TT废气处理/(整理) VOC类**废气治理常用方法 除了常用如吸附法、吸收法、催化燃烧法、热力燃烧法之外,还有生物试剂喷淋法。选用净化方法时,应根据具体情况**选用费用低、耗能少、**次污染的方法,尽量做到化害为利,充分回收利用成分和余热。多数情况下,石油化工业因排气浓度高,采用冷凝、吸收、直接燃烧等方法;涂料施工、印刷等行业因排气浓度
山西TT高臭氧紫外线灯/整理 Shanxi TT high ozone ultraviolet light / finishing 雾霾加速环保产业技术改革 Fog and haze to accelerate the reform of environmental protection industry 北方重度雾霾天气反复来袭,再度提升社会对环境保护的关注,相关环保政策频繁发布。从中长期角度,
为巩固大气污染整治成果,防止污染反弹,禅城多部门联合行动对相关企业进行突击检查,发现禅城郊边汽配市场有2家汽修厂直排废气,**现场责令其立即停产整治。 随后,执法人员来到郊边汽配市场,检查了粤发汽车修配厂和华通海汽车修配厂,2家汽修厂各配有1间喷漆房。粤发汽车修配厂的喷漆房房门大开,味道刺鼻,工人正准备为一台车辆喷漆,喷漆过程中产生的**废气未经处理直接排出厂外。华通海汽车修配厂的废气也是直
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