Tangent key join: it consists of two common wedges. Both sides of the upper and lower sides (narrow surface) are working faces, one of which is in the plane of the axis of the axis. The pressure on the working face acts along the direction of the shaft and transmit a large torque.
Compared with the flat bond connection, the spline connection has the following characteristics in strength, process and use.More teeth and grooves are made directly and evenly on the shaft and hub hole, so the joint force is more uniform.
Because of the shallow groove, the stress at the root of the tooth is small, and the strength of the shaft and hub is weakened less.
After the clamping, the product is easy to and lifted near the movable jaw, and the consistency of the clamping is poor many times. The spiral pair clearance of traditional machine vice is bigger, which will cause large amplitude vibration in use. The sliding contact between movable seat and jaw vice body is larger, and the gap used is bigger.
在带钢热连轧机上使用着许多辊道,它们被分成若干段,每一段辊道或者以独立的或者以与轧辊同步的速度和方向运送轧件。 为使轧件能够在辊道中心运行,采用鼓形辊,并且交替地使左右两边的水平面稍微倾斜,或者使辊子的轴线与轧件运行方向的交角交替地比直角稍微偏斜一些。 Many roller tables are used on hot strip mills. They are divided into se
⑴设计的冲压件必须满足产品使用和技术性能,并能便于组装及修配。 ⑵设计的冲压件必须有利于提高金属材料的利用率,减少材料的品种和规格,尽可能降低材料的消耗。在允许的情况下采用价格低廉的材料,尽可能使零件做到无废料及少废料冲裁。 ⑶设计的冲压件必须形状简单,结构合理,以有利于简化模具结构、简化工序数量,即用较少、较简单的冲压工序完成整个零件的加工,减少再用其他方法加工,并有利于冲压操作,便于组织实现
半闭口式机架是机架与机架盖之间采用斜楔连接的一种机架。这种机架兼有开口式机架和闭口式机架的优点,装卸、换辊方便,制造容易,并有较高的刚度,故一般大中型的型钢轧机都采用这种形式的机架。 A semi closed frame is a frame with a wedge between the frame and the frame cover. The rack has the advanta
我国经济一直快速稳定发展,而轧钢设备行业也是迅速发展,在我国轧钢机设备行业中,自动化和计算机控制系统主要还是靠引进。 China's economy has been developing rapidly and steadily, and the steel rolling equipment industry is developing rapidly. In China's steel r
公司名: 鞍山市圣霖进出口贸易有限公司
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公司名: 鞍山市圣霖进出口贸易有限公司
联系人: 王秋
手 机: 13904127277
电 话: 0412-8259388
地 址: 辽宁鞍山铁东区辽宁省鞍山市高新区越岭路256号(研发中心A座2号楼510室至511室)
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