Shanghai Airport Express Import Customs Declaration, Agent (DHL Customs Declaration, FedEx Customs Declaration, UPS Customs Declaration, EMS Customs Declaration, etc.) Express Import Customs Declaration.
1. The procedure is very simple. According to the regulations of the State on the supervision of inbound and outbound express, in order to adapt to the customs declaration of express as "goods and articles contracted and transported by fast commercial operation", a series of special arrangements have been made to simplify the procedures and speed up the customs clearance procedures in terms of supervision conditions and customs clearance (customs clearance) procedures relative to trade customs declaration. Therefore, in general, it is not necessary for cargo owners to provide customs declarations, customs clearance documents, licenses/approval documents (e.g. 3C national compulsory certification, environmental protection certificates, import quotas, etc.).
2. The cost is very low. According to the regulations such as the national regulations on the supervision of inbound and outbound express mail, express mail can enjoy certain tax and fee deductions and exemptions. In addition, Shenzhen is close to Hong Kong, which is an international free port. It has the advantages of convenient operation, low tax rate, low operating cost and lower cost.
3. It's very fast. On the one hand, due to the lack of regulatory conditions and simple procedures mentioned above, simplified procedures will naturally save time; on the other hand, customs clearance and inspection speed in the process of customs clearance reflect the "fast" of express. Also, the Express Customs Supervisory Center works at night as it does on Saturdays.
海关总署公告2019年*78号(关于进口意大利鲜食柑橘植物检疫要求的公告) 根据我国相关法律法规和《*人民共和国海关总署与意大利共和国农业、食品、林业政策与旅游部关于意大利鲜食柑橘输华植物检疫要求的议定书》,现将《进口意大利鲜食柑橘输华植物检疫要求》(见附件)予以公布,符合上述要求的意大利鲜食柑橘允许进口。 本公告自发布之日起实施。 特此公告。 附件: 进口意大利鲜食柑橘输华植物检疫
新旧设备进口代理,上海润衡有限公司覆盖全国主要港口,25年新旧设备进口经验,**设备进口门到门代理服务:外贸进口代理,境外打包、海空运运输,旧机CCIC中检,办理机电证、港口申报通关、到货检验。 润衡国际专注于进出口代理业务。在进口代理中,我们可以为客户提供:一般贸易代理、机场港口的清关服务代理、免3C与其他备案单证申请、国际货物海空运、代付外汇、保税区报关、退运返修、暂时进出口等各项业务。我司
根据海关总署2010年43号公告规定,个人寄自或寄往港、澳、台地区的物品,每次限值为800元人民币; 寄自或寄往其它国家和地区的物品,每次限值为1000元人民币。个人邮寄进出境物品**出规定限值的, 应办理退运手续或者按照货物规定办理通关手续(邮包内仅有一件物品且不可分割的,经海关审核确属个人自用合理范围的除外)。经邮运进境的商业性邮件,应按照货物规定办理通关手续。EMS邮政个人邮件包裹哪些物品需要
近年操作了不少客户的国外蜂蜜进口项目,简单说说对于进口蜂蜜清关手续 进口蜂蜜标准:GB 14963-2011 食品安全国家标准 蜂蜜 蜂蜜的定义蜂采集植物的花蜜、分泌物或蜜露,与自身分泌物混合后,经充分酿造而成的**甜物质 。 进口纯**蜂蜜HS:0409000000 关税15% 增值税11% PS:部分国家有更优惠的协定税率,比如澳洲,新西兰,马来西亚等。 需要享受协定税率的需要出具优惠产地证
公司名: 上海润衡国际物流有限公司
联系人: 冯先生
电 话:
手 机: 17501659606
微 信: 17501659606
地 址: 上海虹口四川北路上海市虹口区物华路288号爱家国际大厦1号楼715
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