XPE/EPE隔热材: 产品说明: 本品为由铝箔/XPE(EPE)/AL…等多层阻隔层材料复合而成, 是现代环保,保温隔热性较好的产品。各层复合层材料有着很好的**性和高强度的抗撕裂性;中间层EPE有很强的防潮、阻氧、隔音、降噪功能;外层铝箔则具备良好的反光反热,阻断紫外线的优点。 特性: 1、中间层EPE厚度和颜色可根据客户要求定做,较外层保护剂层可涂色或者复合各种颜色聚乙烯。 2、不含有害物质,符合ISO14000国际环保认证要求,在安装及应用中不会产生任何对人体有害的污染物; 3、**的保温节能材料,是隔冷、隔热防结露的克星,热传导系数低并且保持稳定,对任何热介质起隔绝效果; 4、重量轻、隔热、减震、吸音、降噪; 5、**、防渗、阻燃、易加工、易安装;耐热、耐低温、耐化学性、耐老化。 应用范围: 1、建筑反光隔热,冷热水管保温隔热; 2、冰箱隔断、中央空调、冷库……等家用电器的保温; 3、汽车、火车、冷藏车、实验室…的隔热、吸音、降噪, 旅游用防潮保温垫等行业; 4、特种产品的包装及冷藏包装。 EPE/XPE foam heat insulation This kind of heat insulation consists of AL / EPE / AL… etc multi- layers of obstruction material. It is an environment friendly product which has good heat preservation and insulation properties. Each layer of the product has good function on abrasion and tearing resistance. The middle layer (EPE) shows strong ability in moisture barrier, oxygen reduction and sound insulation. The outer layer (aluminum foil) also has the advantages like reflecting light and heat and preventing the damages caused by ultraviolet radiation. Property: 1. The EPE in the middle layer can be made according to our clients’ requirements and the outer layer can be printed with different colors or laminated with polyethene. 2. It consists no nocuous substance and accords with the standards of ISO14000. It also does not generate any pollutant or bring any harm to people’s health when being installed and in use. 3. It is a high quality material for warm-keeping and energy-saving, which is the strong opponent of anti-sweat of cold and heat insulation. It insulates any heat media with a stable and low thermal conductivity. 4. It’s light in weight. It could absorb sound, reduce noise, and have shock absorption fanction. 5. Waterproof, seepage-proofing, fire-retardant, easy to process and install; resisting of hign and low temperature; Chemical and time resistance. High quality with competitive price, ** manufactory, don't miss it,! Welcome to inquiry, will reply asap! Thanks!
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搬家公司长沙搬家长沙市搬家公司就找长沙千禧搬家 长沙千禧搬家公司0731-84475388,http://是长沙*的搬家长沙空调拆装长沙写字楼搬家办公室搬家**从事空调拆装,搬家.搬厂、搬迁、搬钢琴、家庭搬家、写字楼搬迁、单位整体搬迁等服务,在长沙空调拆装行业服务多年,长沙周边县市的搬家搬迁拆装空调等服务是有一定规模的搬家家运输主力军被评为“长沙市搬家运输行业质量信得
搬家吉日长沙搬家长沙搬家公司就找长沙千禧搬家 长沙千禧搬家公司0731-84475388,http://是长沙*的搬家长沙空调拆装长沙写字楼搬家办公室搬家**从事空调拆装,搬家.搬厂、搬迁、搬钢琴、家庭搬家、写字楼搬迁、单位整体搬迁等服务,在长沙空调拆装行业服务多年,长沙周边县市的搬家搬迁拆装空调等服务是有一定规模的搬家家运输主力军被评为“长沙市搬家运输行业质量信得得
公司名: 长沙天助信息技术有限公司
联系人: 刘经理
电 话: 0731-84475388
手 机: 13017288165
微 信: 13017288165
地 址: 湖南长沙长沙县长沙市长沙各区
邮 编: 410017