东莞精丰电子有限公司 联系人:周先生 联系电话: QQ: T: F: 邮编:523710 地址:东莞塘厦镇塘龙东路63号美华中心0126 300 kHz to 1.3 GHz Agilent 8713B and 8714B, 300 kHz to 3 GHz RF Economy Network Analyzers Configuration Guide nalyzer,300 kHz to 1.3 GHz ? Agilent 8712B vector network analyzer, 300 kHz to 1.3 GHz ? Agilent 8713B scalar network analyzer, 300 kHz to 3 GHz ?Agilent 8714B vector network analyzer, 300 kHz to 3 GHz Options ? 75 ohms system impedance, Option 1EC Converts to 75 ohm system impedance and substitutes 75 ohm Type-N connectors. Substitutes 75 ohm test port cable and demonstration filter. Use with 75 ohm calibration kits and accessories. ? AM delay for 50 ohm systems, Option 1DA ? AM delay for 75 ohm systems, Option 1DB (Option 1EC must also be ordered with 75 ohm systems) Adds amplitude modulation group delay capability to measure group delay in frequency-translation devices such as tuners and receivers. Includes two external broadband detectors and a power splitter. Not recommended for devices with limiting circuits, saturated amplifiers or automatic gain control. For nonfrequency translation devices the vector network analyzers 8712B or 8714B offer lower noise and better accuracy when measuring group delay. ? HP Instrument BASIC (IBASIC) Option 1C2 IBASIC is a subset of BASIC for creating and executing test programs inside the network analyzer, including keystroke capture and one-button macros, without the need for an external controller. Includes Instrument BASIC User’s Handbook (part number 08712-90005) and IBASIC example program disk (part number 08712-10003). ? Option 100 fault location and structural return loss Full cable characterization in one package. Fault location includes convenience features unavailable in TDRs, including multi-bump, cable calibration, and cable loss measurements. Structural return loss, which is the return loss resulting from many small, equally spaced discontinuities, is easily and accurately measured. A user manual and instructional video tape are included. Agilent 8711B and 8712B, 300 kHz to 1.3 GHz Agilent 8713B and 8714B, 300 kHz to 3 GHz RF Economy Network Analyzers Configuration Guide 2 ? 60 dB step attenuator, Option 1E1 Extends output power range down to –60 dBm. ? Extra 50 ohm cable and Type-N (f-f) adapter, Option AFN ? Extra 75 ohm cable and Type-N (f-f) adapter, Option AFP ? Option AF4 This option deletes the Type-N cable and substitutes two N-to-BNC adapters and a BNC cable. ? Keyboard, Option 1CL Adds mini-DIN interface keyboard (part number C1405B, Option ABA), cable, and mini-DIN to DIN adapter (part number C1405-60015) to enhance IBASIC editing and instrument control capability. Keyboard overlay (part number 08712-80004) is supplied with every instrument. ? Rack mount kit, Option 1CM ? Performance test software, Option 1FP Special Options Special options are available for unique applications.
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郑州装潢公司_兰贵景观设计公司 **城市景观园林景观设计施工 城市景观要素包括自然景观要素和人工景观要素,其中自然景观要素主要是指自然风景,如大小山丘、古树名木、石头、河流、湖泊、海洋等。人工景观要素主要有文物古迹、文化遗址、园林绿化、艺术小品、商贸集市、建构筑物、广场等。这些景观要素为创造高质量的城市空间环境提供了大量的素材,但是要形成*具特色的城市景观,**对各种景观要素进行系统组织,并且结合
公司名: 河南兰贵装饰设计工程有限公司
联系人: 谢经理
电 话: 0371-86105251
手 机: 13361896689
微 信: 13361896689
地 址: 河南郑州郑州市郑汴路与中州大道交叉口 建业置地广场 C 座—19层
邮 编: 450000
公司名: 河南兰贵装饰设计工程有限公司
联系人: 谢经理
手 机: 13361896689
电 话: 0371-86105251
地 址: 河南郑州郑州市郑汴路与中州大道交叉口 建业置地广场 C 座—19层
邮 编: 450000