Mobil Vactra SLC220 Way and Slide LubricantsWay and Slide LubricantsProduct Description
The Mobil Vactra? Oil Numbered Series are premium-quality slideway lubricants specifically designed to meet the requirements for accuracy, aqueous coolant separability, and equipment protection of precision machine tools.
The Mobil Vactra Oil Numbered Series is carefully formulated from high-quality base stocks and performance balanced with an advanced additive system that provides controlled frictional properties, compatibility with aqueous metal working fluids and corrosion protection of parts and equipment. The unique additive package provides exceptional frictional properties on a wide variety of way materials, including steel on steel and steel on polymer, reducing stick-slip and chatter. This allows smooth, uniform motion at design travel speeds enhancing machine productivity and accuracy helping to prolong tool life and enhance surface finish. The Mobil Vactra Oil Numbered Series has been optimized to provide separability from many aqueous coolants while minimizing the corrosive effects of high pH coolants on lubricated surfaces.
壳牌液压油产品系列壳牌得力士(Tellus)壳牌得力士(Tellus)系列液压油能帮助您实现系统效率及运行成本的优化。其中包括采用较新技术生产的合成油,壳牌得力士(Tellus)S4 ME,其具有**长使用寿命,可以提高众多液压系统的能效。壳牌得力士(Tellus)系列旨在帮助您轻松选择符合需求的液压油,由此提高盈利能力。壳牌得力士(Tellus)产品手册 (PDF, 1 MB) - 在新窗口打开
Mobilith SHC? 系列润滑脂是针对较端温度条件下的各种应用而研发的**优性能产品。本产品融合了合成基础油和高质量复合锂基增稠剂的*特性质。合成基础油的无蜡和低牵引系数特点(与矿物油相比),可提供出色的低温泵送性和较低的启动及运转扭矩。本系列产品具有节能潜力,并可降低圆锥滚子轴承和滚珠轴承负荷区的工作温度。复合锂基增稠剂则提供出色的粘附性、结构稳定性和抗水性。这类润滑脂的化学稳定性高,配方
真空泵油是由高度溶剂精炼、高粘度指数石蜡基矿物油调配而成,并经脱水工艺专为真空泵使用的特殊润滑油。 真空泵油用途: **真空泵润滑油适用于非腐蚀性气体和蒸发被抽除的场合。对于要求真空度小于1mbar的真空泵,则应根据泵的型号和抽吸介质,参照机器制造商的建议选用其它合适的润滑油。 真空泵油技术参数: 真空泵润滑油3268100密度15℃ kg/10.8720.8790.872粘度40℃ ㎜2/S3
公司名: 深圳市深化工业润滑油有限公司
联系人: 陈经理
电 话: 0755-36613082
手 机: 15625240082
微 信: 15625240082
地 址: 深圳市龙华新区吉华大道388号
邮 编: 518129