
    TT high ozone UV lamp / finishing
    	VOCs (volatile organic compounds) in the management of environmental 
    governance in China's share of more and more. In VOCs governance, standards and 
    more stringent, fees and more, VOCs governance ultimately rely on improving the 
    production process from the front end of the control or the use of advanced 
    treatment technology from the end of governance to achieve.
    		As the state has introduced a VOCs (volatile organic compounds) governance 
    policies, standards, at present of VOCs have been as the major air pollutants, 
    become the focus of local governance, governance VOCs market also show explosive 
    		At present, the relevant administrative departments of the government 
    stressed the development of VOCs governance regulations, norms, as well as VOCs 
    testing, but the management of technical research and development and management 
    of the construction of the team is not much. I think we should pay attention to 
    domestic technology research and development, to avoid the same as China's 
    desulfurization and denitrification industry, a considerable part of the control 
    technology is mastered by foreign enterprises. In particular, the domestic 
    industry has just focused on the VOCs sewage charges, if the lack of domestic 
    technical strength, sewage companies are likely to VOCs governance market 
    quickly open to foreign.
    		Of course, it is necessary to introduce and learn from foreign advanced 
    technology. But I believe that the current domestic and foreign VOCs governance 
    technology is not much difference compared. Foreign master of VOCs end of 
    treatment technology, such as condensation, absorption, adsorption, catalysis, 
    biological method, part of China's professional and technical personnel have a 
    basic grasp, but there was a lack of truly master control technology and a 
    powerful technical team and corporate governance, lack of spent on new 
    technology research and development. At present, our country still lacks the 
    system, the overall organization of the implementation of technical personnel 
    training and technical research and development. In the market as if foreign 
    advanced technology, so many domestic enterprises have the strength of the 
    foreign eyes staring at foreign. In order to control standards, are willing to 
    spend lots of money to buy advanced equipment from abroad ".
    		Last year, the relevant domestic institutions have organized two "volatile 
    organic pollution control and monitoring technology" series of training classes, 
    focusing on VOCs monitoring and control technology training, received a good 
    		From the training class, it also reflects the problems of China's VOCs 
    governance industry. First, most of the management team technical level is not 
    high, especially shallow understanding of the principle of treatment technology, 
    a considerable part of the corporate governance just "than dipper gourd 
    painting", for some VOCs governance is the process understanding, of exactly why 
    the use of this technology (Design) also research is not enough. Therefore, when 
    the encounter new customers or running problems, do not know how to deal with 
    and solve, let alone innovation.
    		Secondly, the design process is not very familiar with, when receiving a 
    project, I do not know where to start, often resulting in leakage of design 
    		More important is the vast majority of the lack of understanding of the 
    difficulty of corporate governance VOCs governance. Because VOCs governance is 
    different from flue gas desulfurization and denitrification, SO2 and NOx are 
    just a single substance, and VOCs is a concept, there are hundreds of species, 
    and sometimes is often a mixture of a variety of exhaust gases. When receiving a 
    VOCs list of governance, we must make clear the nature of all the components in 
    the waste gas, in order to decide what kind of process route to take, and 
    finally determine what equipment and reasonable configuration of the process 
    		However, many domestic corporate governance that, as long as there is a set 
    of advanced equipment, will be able to conquer the world". This kind of 
    understanding is wrong.
    		From all walks of life need to be clear, in the VOCs governance, standards 
    and then strict, fees and more, VOCs governance ultimately rely on improving the 
    production process from the front end of the control or the use of advanced 
    treatment technology from the end of governance to achieve. On the basis of 
    regulations and standards, we should train our own professional management 
    		The author is Professor of environmental science, North China Electric 
    Power University
    			A lot of Shanxi TT waste gas processing environmental technology center in 
    this thanks to the support of old and new customers, in the new year, Shanxi TT 
    exhaust gas treatment environmental technology center I wish the majority of 
    users friends monkey DAE Gil, a lot of business, a lot of fun, 


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  • 废气处理UV灯之紫外线波长原理

    TT废气处理/(整理) 紫外线废气处理灯、污水处理灯(UV灯)实际上是属于一种低压汞灯,和普通日光灯一样,利用低压汞蒸汽被激发后发射紫外线。不同的是日光灯的灯管采用的是普通玻璃,253.7nm及更短的紫外线不能透出来,只能被灯管内壁的荧光粉吸收后激发出可见光。如果改变荧光粉的成分和比例,它就可以发出我们通常所见的不同颜色的光。一般杀菌灯的灯管都采用石英玻璃制作,因为石英玻璃对紫外线各波段都有很高的

  • 废气成份分析(**废气处理及臭异味消除技术)

    TT废气处理/(整理)     废气处理一般分为**废气(VOC类废气及**化合物)与无机废气的处理,臭气异味的消除。 1、**废气 选择**废气的处理方法,总体上应考虑以下因素:**污染物的类型及其浓度、**废气的排气温度和排放流量、颗粒物含量以及需要达到的污染物控制水平。 当**废气中含有高浓度的可转化**酸的物质时必须特别小心。他们会对设备造成严重的腐

  • 光催化氧化灯技术

    光化学及光催化氧化法是目前研究较多的一项高级氧化技术。所谓光催化反应,就是在光的作用下进行的化学反应。光化学反应需要分子吸收特定波长的电磁辐射,受激产生分子激发态,然后会发生化学反应生成新的物质,或者变成引发热反应的中间化学产物。光化学反应的活化能来源于光子的能量,在太阳能的利用中光电转化以及光化学转化一直是十分活跃的研究领域。 光催化氧化技术利用光激发氧化将O2、H2O2等氧化剂与光辐射相结合。

  • 2017将可能成为新的“环保企业IPO年

    山西TT废气处理环保技术中心/整理 Shanxi TT waste gas treatment and environmental protection technology center / finishing 2017将可能成为新的“环保企业IPO年,山西TT废气处理(深圳海德隆山西办)和您一同分享: 2017 will likely become the new "environmental

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