为了给客户提供较大化的支持。在项目销售和实践过程中我们的服务分为三个阶段;我们的服务开始于前期的方案决策,专业的较优解决方案来实现项目实施后的不足,我们方案和建议不仅仅考虑本身的称重设备,还影响称重精度和可靠性的外围因素。项目在实施过程中我们提供常规的指导安装。调试。培训等服务。后期我们也可以提供回访,备件等服务。较优质的设备应得较佳的维护、这可了解朗科精工的技术部门为何提供一套全面的服务程序,来确保您的投资获得较佳的回报。给您延续较新科技。工业标准和有效的发展。明白各客户的要求不同,所以我们的程序涵盖一系列的服务,让您有多方面及合适的选择,满足您的需要。我们服务的目标是努力地去使您得您的系统表现**。简化计划程序和降低总成本 In order to provide maximum support to customers. In the process of project sales and practice our service is divided into three stages; our service began in the pre decision program, the best professional solution to implement the project after the implementation of the lack of our proposal and suggestions not only consider the weighing equipment, but also affect the weighing accuracy and reliability of the external factors. In the implementation of the project, we provide the general guidance and installation. Debug. Training and other services. Late we can also provide a return visit, spare parts and other services. The best quality equipment deserves the best maintenance, this can understand why Netac's technical department to provide a comprehensive set of service procedures, to ensure that your investment to obtain the best return. Give you a continuation of the latest technology. Industrial standards and effective development. Understand the requirements of different customers, so our program covers a range of services, so that you have a number of aspects and the right to choose to meet your needs. The goal of our service is to work hard to make you have the perfect performance of your system. Simplify the planning process and reduce the total cost of the project
忠诚:忠于公司,珍惜声誉 创新:勤于思考,敢为人先 热情:主动参与,全情投入 自强:积极奋进,追求卓越 团队:精诚合作,团队至上
? 售后服务承诺 一、保修期限: 在您完全按照产品说明书规定的正常工作条件和方法下使用本品的情况下,产品自购买之日(以正式购货发票为准)起一年内出现故障,本公司向您提供保修服务,终身维护。秤体有效称量内质保三年。 二、承诺: 在保质期内和保质期外如遇到所供设备发生重大的事故, 供货厂商接到业主方的通知后, 将在 3 小时内作出答复, 并在_24__小时内派遣专业技术人员到现场, 负责处理故障。(节
公司名: 郑州朗科精工衡器有限公司
联系人: 薛红鹏
电 话: 037168592299
手 机: 18538217293
微 信: 18538217293
地 址: 河南郑州中原区郑州高新开发区冬青街22号408号
邮 编: 450000
公司名: 郑州朗科精工衡器有限公司
联系人: 薛红鹏
手 机: 18538217293
电 话: 037168592299
地 址: 河南郑州中原区郑州高新开发区冬青街22号408号
邮 编: 450000