Products of high efficiency and low cost, space, humidification
Model scale variety of spray nozzle, humidity sensors, valve set of device, control, and more choice.
Customer demand for reliable, economic and efficient humidification, Fiji zhuo company can according to the demand for different choices, easy to operate, can be concise and fast connection to the client for gas and liquid pipelines.We provide a complete set of equipment.We provide solutions to increase air humidity, increase the paint tank water to reduce the spark, for small space humidification and more applied condition is incomparable humidifying choice.
In the industry of typical solution:
Air atomizing nozzle: siphon type and pressure type atomization nozzle, used to increase the humidifying efficiency, reduce the cost of installation and operation.
Miniature air atomizing nozzle: apply to the space is narrow, it is difficult to touch the pact and lightweight design, the corner can be applied to a very good, can be convenient and simple installation on the wall, ceiling, thereby gaining economic, efficient humidification effect.
Heavy traffic air atomizing nozzle: suitable for open areas, and high quality of the spray, this kind of nozzle flexible operation, convenient maintenance, prevent blocking performance is good.
Humidifying spray system: air atomizing nozzle, valve set of device, humidifier, and controller to the system, to provide efficient humidification control and convenient integration supply demand.
水泥厂氨水喷枪堵塞的解决办法 氨水喷枪堵塞是现代脱硝工艺中使用氨水喷枪常遇到的情况!那么究竟是哪些因素导致脱硝喷枪容易堵塞呢?上海斐卓喷雾系统公司是国内专业的脱硝喷枪生产厂家!公司专门研发、设计、生产脱硝喷枪,是国内脱硝喷枪的*!脱硝喷枪产品主要以替代进口为主,产品品质得到客户认可! 脱硝喷枪堵塞的原因: 脱硝喷枪选型不恰当!用于不同工况的脱硝喷枪在设计和加工时使用工艺各不相同,如果选型失误
标准型实心锥形喷嘴 标准实心锥形喷嘴斐卓公司的设计特点; 喷嘴喷雾形状为实心锥形,喷雾颗粒细小且非常均匀; 喷嘴内部有*特的叶片,雾化效果异常均匀细密; 清洗; 冷却; 喷涂; 物料喷洒; 除尘 压灰; 消防灭火 ; Cleaning; Cooling Spraying Material spraying; De-dust and De-ash Fireproof and fire extingu
偏转扇形喷嘴:K系列--上海斐卓Feizhuo 设计特点 K系列喷嘴的特点是能产生中等冲力的广角扇形喷雾形状,喷出的液雾分布均匀,液滴大小中等。 圆形喷孔、大而通畅的流道把阻塞现象减少到很低程度。扇形喷嘴还适用于空气与蒸汽的喷流。 所有的K系列喷嘴都提供精密加工的导流面以便可靠、准确地控制偏转角和喷雾角度。K系列是用坚固的棒材精细制造的,具有外管道螺纹入口接头。 一般应用 ● 清洗、漂洗 ● 冷
(甘肃、内蒙古)脱硝喷枪供货厂家-上海斐卓Feizhuo 上海斐卓喷雾系统公司是国内专业生产脱硝喷枪的厂家,公司的脱硝喷枪产品**俄罗斯、巴西、日本、芬兰、伊朗等地;斐卓Feizhuo以替代进口脱硝喷枪品牌为经营目标,为客户提供高品质,高性价比的脱硝喷枪系列产品及脱硝技术改造方案! 斐卓Feizhuo公司旗下有斐卓喷雾系统(重庆)有限公司生产加工基地,上海斐卓喷雾系统公司总部,斐卓喷雾系统公司天
公司名: 上海斐卓喷雾系统有限公司
联系人: 斐卓Feizhuo-罗经理
电 话: 021-57675090
手 机: 13916639930
微 信: 13916639930
地 址: 上海松江洞泾中国上海市松江洞泾工业区洞业路205号(近洞薛路)
邮 编: 201619
公司名: 上海斐卓喷雾系统有限公司
联系人: 斐卓Feizhuo-罗经理
手 机: 13916639930
电 话: 021-57675090
地 址: 上海松江洞泾中国上海市松江洞泾工业区洞业路205号(近洞薛路)
邮 编: 201619