随州阿特拉斯空压机 上海宝勒压缩机有限公司是瑞典阿特拉斯·科普柯集团下属的全资子公司,有着近40年的专业制造空压机经验,为用户提供5.5kW至355kW规格的螺杆式压缩机。博莱特品牌的压缩机在中国有着非常深厚的客户基础并广受**,在中国人民**总装部、首都机场和上海宝钢均有运用。 较近,集团公司沿用阿特拉斯的技术,又将推出新款的50-60HP的螺杆式压缩机。新款螺杆机采用*的阿特拉斯主机为核心并且选择了比利时较新的大排量原装规格。一直以来,较高的保养费用也是用户在选购螺杆机时非常犹豫的因素。针对此,我们带来了些鑫达饿设计,比如说,新款油路设计将每次保养所需的油量减少了足足一倍——这些新设计将为用户带来更低的维护成本。相比旧机型还降低了0.5个PPM的压缩空气含油量,同时还为客户提供两种以上的油品选择,满足不用层次的用户需求。新款机器完全秉承了上一代的优点,还优化了长宽高的比例,使得占地面积更少,便于客户调整生产线时搬运方便。考虑到现在国家政策对于工业环境的标准也在不断提高,这次改型在噪音上也有显著成效,噪音值仅为65分贝,大大降低了机械磨损,延长整机使用寿命。所有的管路全部进行优化,减少结点,同时根据历史客户使用体验的反馈,对主机与油气桶间的管道进行了加固及设计变更。这样不仅使得配置布局一目了然,同时还增大了电机与风扇之间维修保养的活动空间,充分体现了人性化设计的特点。 我们期待着给您一次**的生产体验。 Shanghai Bolaite Compressor Co., Ltd is the wholly-owed subsidiary company of Atlas Copco, which has almost 40 years experience in producing compressors and provide customers BLT screw compressor from the specification of 5.5kW to 355kW. The Bolaite brand compressor has widely and reputably used in China. Our customers are such as China liberation army general equip department, Capital airdrome and Shanghai Bao steel. Recently, our company follow the technology of Atlas Group, will be soon release new screw compressor on model 50-60HP. This new model also use world class element of Atlas Group, which also select big FAD element up to date made from Belgium. Since today, the high charge for maintenance is the most reason preventing users to choice screw compressor. Thus, we really do some measures ,for example our new designed oil system decrease one times oil wastage for maintenance, which means will bring our customers less cost for producing their products. Compared with old BLT compressor, also reduce 0.5PPM in compress air and provide two kinds of oil character to fulfill different customer needs. New BLT entirety succeed virtue on old BLT machine, meanwhile, has optimized the proportion of length, width and height to shorten area, which bring more convenience for moving when you change product line. Considering the policy improvement in industry environment, we make every effort on reducing noise and the result turned out is only 65dBA, which greatly reduce abration of machine so as to prolong the lifetime. All pipelines has been optimized and less crunode based on history customers’ feedbacks. The pipe between element and vessel has been redesigned and confirmed. Whole allocation in new machine not only for looking simple, but also enlarge the space between motor and fan for easy maintenance, which is so user-friendly. We are looking forward to give you a exciting experience in your production. Written by Sun
GB-3000无源无线测温系统工宝优惠多多 GB-3000是根据国家《国家电网公司十八项电网重大反事故措施》(试行)中11.7.2关于“加强对运行设备温升的监视”要求而设计的温升监测系统。主要适用于户内各类高压开关设备的接头部、触头及母排的在线温度测量。该装置二次部分与一次部分无任何电连接,传感器与主机信息交换是通过无线信号传送,不会影响系统的绝缘性能,使用更安全。 技术参数: 1、工作电源:AC
广东工宝HCWS-9开关柜无源无线测温装置放心品牌 HCWS-9本产品是根据国家《国家电网公司十八项电网重大反事故措施》(试行)中11.7.2关于“加强对运行设备温升的监视”要求而设计的温升监测系统。主要适用于户内各类高压开关设备的接头部、触头及母排的在线温度测量。该装置二次部分与一次部分无任何电连接,传感器与主机信息交换是通过无线信号传送,不会影响系统的绝缘性能,使用更安全。 HCWS-9产品特
深圳工宝GCU-8030TS工业除湿机高精品高性能 GCU-8030TS详细介绍 : GCU-8030TS智能型除湿装置是采用半导体制冷除湿方式,主动将密闭空间的潮湿空气在风扇的作用下吸入除湿风道,空气中的水汽经过半导体制冷机构后冷凝成水,再通过导水管排出柜体,可以达到很好的除湿效果。通过减低空气中含水量,使相对湿度和**湿度同时下降,几乎不提高温度,不产生温差带来的负面影响,从根本上杜绝或减少了
GB-990B高压开关柜除湿装置工宝效果更炫酷 GB-990B电柜排水除湿机充分利用了温差大时易凝露的特点,在产品内置凝水面产生非常低的温度(一般在-35℃),使空气中水份冷凝在凝水面,并通过排水孔排出箱外。由于电柜内水份不断减少排出箱外,柜内的空气中湿度显着下降。即使环境温度变化,由于电柜内空气中水份非常少,也不会再产生凝露。从根本上解决了电柜常见的湿度困扰。 订货须知: 订货时应和客服沟通好需
公司名: 深圳工宝监测技术有限公司
联系人: 陈根发
电 话: 0755-83839958
手 机: 13392155228
微 信: 13392155228
地 址: 广东深圳宝安区深圳市宝安区石岩街道石新社区洲石路旭兴达工业园?
邮 编: 518101
公司名: 深圳工宝监测技术有限公司
联系人: 陈根发
手 机: 13392155228
电 话: 0755-83839958
地 址: 广东深圳宝安区深圳市宝安区石岩街道石新社区洲石路旭兴达工业园?
邮 编: 518101
库卡C4驱动器KPP600-20-2x40 00-198-263