
    Zytel® HTN53G50HSLRHF BK083
    50% Glass reinforced high performance polyamide resin with improved flow and excellent surface appearance using water-heated molds.
    Glass Reinforced Resins 
    Zytel® HTN51G15HSL BK083	15% Glass reinforced, heat stabilized, lubricated high performance polyamide resin. PPA resin.
    Zytel® HTN51G15HSL NC010	15% Glass reinforced, heat stabilized, lubricated high performance polyamide resin. PPA resin.
    Zytel® HTN51G25HSL BK083	25% Glass reinforced, heat stabilized, high performance polyamide resin. PPA resin. 
    Zytel® HTN51G35HSL BK083	35% Glass reinforced, heat stabilized, lubricated high performance polyamide resin. It has excellent temperature resistance and retention of properties in moist environments. PPA resin. 
    Zytel® HTN51G35HSL NC010	35% Glass reinforced, heat stabilized, lubricated high performance polyamide resin. It has excellent temperature resistance and retention of properties in moist environments. PPA resin.
    Zytel® HTN51G35HSLR BK420J	35% Glass reinforced, heat stabilized high performance polyamide resin with improved hydrolysis resistance and surface appearance. PPA resin. 
    Zytel® HTN51G45HSL BK083	45% Glass reinforced, heat stabilized, high performance polyamide resin. PPA resin. 
    Zytel® HTN51G45HSL NC010	45% Glass reinforced, heat stabilized, high performance polyamide resin. PPA resin.
    Zytel® HTN51G45HSLR BK420	45% Glass reinforced, heat stabilized, hydrolysis resistant high performance polyamide resin. PPA resin.
    Zytel® HTN51G50HSL BK083	50% Glass reinforced high performance polyamide resin. PPA resin.
    Zytel® HTN52G35EF BK420	35% Glass reinforced high performance polyamide resin which is Electronics Friendly, developed for encapsulation applications. PPA resin.
    Zytel® HTN52G35HSL BK083	35% Glass reinforced, heat stabilized high performance polyamide that can be molded in water heated molds. PPA resin. 
    Zytel® HTN52G35HSL NC010	35% Glass reinforced, heat stabilized and lubricated high performance polyamide resin that can be molded in water-controlled tools. PPA resin.
    Zytel® HTN52G45HSL BK031	45% Glass reinforced, heat stabilized high performance polyamide that can be molded in water heated molds. PPA resin. 
    Zytel® HTN52G45HSL NC010	45% Glass reinforced, heat stabilized high performance polyamide that can be molded in water heated molds. PPA resin. 
    Zytel® HTN53CG60HSL BK544	60% Glass/carbon fiber reinforced. High stiffness, developed for structural applications.
    Zytel® HTN53G35HSLRHF BK083	35% Glass reinforced, heat stabilized, lubricated, modified for improved flow 
    Zytel® HTN53G50HSLR BK083	50% Glass reinforced, heat stabilized, lubricated high performance polyamide resin with improved impact and stiffness. 
    Zytel® HTN53G50HSLRHF BK083	50% Glass reinforced high performance polyamide resin with improved flow and excellent surface appearance using water-heated molds.
    Zytel® HTN53G50LRHF NC010	50% Glass reinforced high performance polyamide resin with improved flow and excellent surfa


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  • N07750(2.4669)固溶处理要求

    1.系列规格:现货供应卷、带、卷带、卷板、平板、精板、毛板 尺寸:1m*1m 1m*2m 1.22m*2.44m 1.5m*3m 1.5m*6m ,1219*C,板材厚度:2mm-100mm。卷厚:0.03mm-2.0mm。宽度20-610mm 1.1通常做成标准大小的扁平矩形锻造、轧制或铸造而成的金属板,宽度尺寸为厚度尺寸2倍以上的锯材叫做板材 1.2精板特性:可任意剪裁、弯曲、冲压、焊接成各类

  • NS335镍铬钼合金分析与研究

    NS335奥氏体低碳镍钼铬合金 NS335特性及应用领域概述: 该合金是一种奥氏体低碳镍-钼-铬合金。Nicrofer 6616 hMo和其他早期开发的相似化学成分的合金的主要区别是低碳、硅、铁、钨含量。这样的化学成分使其在650-1040℃时表现出较好的稳定性,提高了抗晶间腐蚀的能力,在适当的制造条件下可以避免刃线腐蚀敏感性和焊缝热影响区腐蚀。合金应用于烟气脱硫系统、酸洗和酸再生工厂、乙酸和农用

  • S66286(1.4980)耐高温合金

    产品名称:S66286 产品产地:进口/国产 产品价格:电议 产品品牌:OUTOKUMPU(奥托坤普)、AVESTA(阿威斯塔)、美国哈氏合金、美国SMC、美国冶联ATI、德国蒂森克虏伯VDM、Mannex、德镍、瑞典山特维克、日本冶金、新日铁等**品牌 产品规格:锻件、棒材、板材、带材、环件、丝材、法兰等可根据客户要求生产 产品应用:普遍的应用于航天航空、电力、石油化学、船舶、机械、电子、环保等

  • Inconel713C圆棒处理工艺

    化学成分(%) C0.08-0.16; Cr11.5-13.5; Ni余量; Mo3.80-4.80; Al5.50-6.40; Ti0.50-1.00; Fe≤1.0; Nb1.80-2.50; B0.008-0.020; Zr0.06-0.15; Si≤0.50; Mn≤0.5; P≤0.015; S≤0.01. ——上海商虎有色金属有限公司——部门联系—— ——销售经理:林浩轩 ——手 机:

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公司名: 上海商虎有色金属有限公司

联系人: 林浩轩

手 机: 15801859914

电 话: 021-61536466

地 址: 上海青浦华新上海市青浦区华新镇纪鹤公路2180号

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