解决锻造厂氧化皮问题 力泰研发去氧化皮机除磷设备

    Zytel® HTN53G60LRHF BK083
    60% Glass reinforced high performance polyamide resin developed for structural applications requiring high stiffness and excellent surface appearance.
    Glass Reinforced Resins 
    Zytel® HTN53G50LWSF BK083	50% Glass reinforced high performance polyamide resin developed for structural applications requiring high stiffness and low warpage.
    Zytel® HTN53G60LRHF BK083	60% Glass reinforced high performance polyamide resin developed for structural applications requiring high stiffness and excellent surface appearance.
    Zytel® HTN54G15HSLR BK031	15% Glass reinforced, heat stabilized, toughened, hydrolysis resistant high performance polyamide resin. PPA resin.
    Zytel® HTN54G15HSLR NC010	15% Glass reinforced, heat stabilized, toughened, hydrolysis resistant high performance polyamide resin. PPA resin.
    Zytel® HTN54G35EF BK420	35% Glass reinforced, toughened, heat stabilized, lubricated, hydrolysis resistant high performance polyamide resin. Electronics Friendly, developed for encapsulation applications. PPA resin.
    Zytel® HTN54G35HSLR BK031	35% Glass reinforced, heat stabilized, lubricated, toughened, hydrolysis resistant high performance polyamide resin. PPA resin.
    Zytel® HTN54G35HSLR NC010	35% Glass reinforced, toughened, heat stabilized, hydrolysis resistant high performance polyamide resin. PPA resin.
    Zytel® HTN54G50HSLR BK031	50% Glass reinforced, toughened, heat stabilized, hydrolysis resistant high performance polyamide resin. PPA resin.
    Zytel® HTN54G50HSLR NC010	50% Glass reinforced, toughened, heat stabilized, hydrolysis resistant high performance polyamide resin. PPA resin.
    Zytel® HTNFE350038 BK083	33% Glass reinforced high performance polyamide resin with improved knit line strength. PPA resin. 
    Zytel® HTNFR51G35L BK337	35% Glass reinforced, lubricated, flame retardant high performance polyamide resin with excellent temperature resistance. PPA resin. 
    Zytel® HTNFR51G35L NC010	35% Glass reinforced, lubricated, flame retardant high performance polyamide resin with excellent temperature resistance. PPA resin. 
    Zytel® HTNFR52G20NH BK337	20% Glass reinforced high performance polyamide resin, with a halogen-free flame retardant. PPA resin. 
    Zytel® HTNFR52G20NH NC010	20% Glass reinforced high performance polyamide resin, with a halogen-free flame retardant. PPA resin. 
    Zytel® HTNFR52G30NH BK337	30% Glass reinforced high performance polyamide resin, with a non-halogenated flame retardant. PPA resin. 
    Zytel® HTNFR52G30NH NC010	30% Glass reinforced high performance polyamide resin, with a non-halogenated flame retardant. PPA resin. 
    Zytel® HTNFR52G30NHF BK337	30% Glass reinforced high performance polyamide resin, with a non-halogenated flame retardant and improved flow. PPA resin.
    Zytel® HTNFR52G30NHF NC010	30% Glass reinforced high performance polyamide resin, with a non-halogenated flame retardant and improved flow. PPA resin.
    Zytel® HTNFR52G45NHLW BK337	45% Glass reinforced high performance polyamide resin, develo


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  • 力泰汽车棘爪视觉检测 南京非标自动化定制设备

    力泰汽车棘爪视觉检测 南京非标自动化定制设备 力泰科技坐落于南京市六合区经济开发区六新路1202号7栋,拥有3千多平米现代化办公区,是一家集研发、设计、制造、销售、服务为一体的自动化设备制造企业。 目前主要产品有:“锻造自动化氧化皮清洗机”;“锻造线生产过程温度检测机”;“锻造类检测设备系列”锻造机器人应用;“非标自动化设备系列”护套切割成型机、三坐标锁螺丝机;“机器人集成与应用系列”锻造机器人上

  • 力泰自动上下料机械手 锻造自动化一站式服务厂家

    力泰科技自主品牌锻造机器人轻松完成制坯,预锻,精锻,喷石墨、切边等过程,生产节拍效率高,平均6~7秒/件的上下料速率,生产稳定,产品质量一致性好,大大降低了产品的不合格率。拥有防粘模**技术,能有效解决产品粘模问题。安全系统更强,有效保护设备和人的安全。拥有专业机器人团队,为锻造企业提供较佳的自动化一站式解决方案。 工业机器人可以扩大生产、增强生产的柔性、节约节拍时间、降低成本、降低运营成本、改善

  • 定制非标自动化设备厂家 力泰科技条形销识别设备


  • 二手库卡机器人 力泰科技专业转让库卡搬运机器人

    众所周知,库卡、ABB、发那科、安川是世界机器人四大家族,占有世界工业机器人主要的市场份额。如果说ABB是汽车中的奔驰,那么库卡就是汽车中的宝马。库卡以操作简便着称,在人机界面的操作上为了迎合国人的操作习惯,库卡做的很简单,就像玩游戏一样好用。较近我司和德国二手机器人供应商合作,将德国退役的库卡机器人引进到国内。 标签:二手机器人:库卡二手机器人 二手机器人厂家 库卡机器人 库卡搬运机器人 库卡工

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公司名: 南京力泰自动化检测设备科技有限公司

联系人: 周晶娣

手 机: 18994065678

电 话: 025-57198885

地 址: 江苏南京六合区南京六合经济开发区六新路1202号

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