
    Zytel® HTN54G35HSLR BK031
    35% Glass reinforced, heat stabilized, lubricated, toughened, hydrolysis resistant high performance polyamide resin. PPA resin.
    Glass Reinforced Resins 
    Zytel® HTN53G50LWSF BK083	50% Glass reinforced high performance polyamide resin developed for structural applications requiring high stiffness and low warpage.
    Zytel® HTN53G60LRHF BK083	60% Glass reinforced high performance polyamide resin developed for structural applications requiring high stiffness and excellent surface appearance.
    Zytel® HTN54G15HSLR BK031	15% Glass reinforced, heat stabilized, toughened, hydrolysis resistant high performance polyamide resin. PPA resin.
    Zytel® HTN54G15HSLR NC010	15% Glass reinforced, heat stabilized, toughened, hydrolysis resistant high performance polyamide resin. PPA resin.
    Zytel® HTN54G35EF BK420	35% Glass reinforced, toughened, heat stabilized, lubricated, hydrolysis resistant high performance polyamide resin. Electronics Friendly, developed for encapsulation applications. PPA resin.
    Zytel® HTN54G35HSLR BK031	35% Glass reinforced, heat stabilized, lubricated, toughened, hydrolysis resistant high performance polyamide resin. PPA resin.
    Zytel® HTN54G35HSLR NC010	35% Glass reinforced, toughened, heat stabilized, hydrolysis resistant high performance polyamide resin. PPA resin.
    Zytel® HTN54G50HSLR BK031	50% Glass reinforced, toughened, heat stabilized, hydrolysis resistant high performance polyamide resin. PPA resin.
    Zytel® HTN54G50HSLR NC010	50% Glass reinforced, toughened, heat stabilized, hydrolysis resistant high performance polyamide resin. PPA resin.
    Zytel® HTNFE350038 BK083	33% Glass reinforced high performance polyamide resin with improved knit line strength. PPA resin. 
    Zytel® HTNFR51G35L BK337	35% Glass reinforced, lubricated, flame retardant high performance polyamide resin with excellent temperature resistance. PPA resin. 
    Zytel® HTNFR51G35L NC010	35% Glass reinforced, lubricated, flame retardant high performance polyamide resin with excellent temperature resistance. PPA resin. 
    Zytel® HTNFR52G20NH BK337	20% Glass reinforced high performance polyamide resin, with a halogen-free flame retardant. PPA resin. 
    Zytel® HTNFR52G20NH NC010	20% Glass reinforced high performance polyamide resin, with a halogen-free flame retardant. PPA resin. 
    Zytel® HTNFR52G30NH BK337	30% Glass reinforced high performance polyamide resin, with a non-halogenated flame retardant. PPA resin. 
    Zytel® HTNFR52G30NH NC010	30% Glass reinforced high performance polyamide resin, with a non-halogenated flame retardant. PPA resin. 
    Zytel® HTNFR52G30NHF BK337	30% Glass reinforced high performance polyamide resin, with a non-halogenated flame retardant and improved flow. PPA resin.
    Zytel® HTNFR52G30NHF NC010	30% Glass reinforced high performance polyamide resin, with a non-halogenated flame retardant and improved flow. PPA resin.
    Zytel® HTNFR52G45NHLW BK337	45% Glass reinforced high performance polyamide resin, developed for excellent flow 



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公司名: 广州市丹哆展览服务有限公司

联系人: 陈先生

手 机: 18620602015

电 话: 02028187507

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