发货人 (Consignor)
集运货物 (Consolidated Consignment)
集运代理人 (Consolidator)
COSAC (Community Systems for Air Cargo)
海关 (Customs)
海关代码 (Customs Code)
清关 (Customs Clearance)
危险货物 (Dangerous Goods)
运输申报价值 (Declared Value for Carriage)
海关申报价值 (Declared Value for Customs)
活动物/危险品 托运人证明书 (Shipper’s Certificate for live animals/ dangerous goods)
托运人托运声明书(简称:托运书)(Shipper’s Letter of Instruction)
运费表 (Tariff)
载具 (Unit Load Device)
CAO (Cargo for Freighter Only)
到付运费(Charges Collect)
预付运费(Charges Prepaid)
计费重量(Chargeable Weight)
到岸价格CIF (Cost, Insurance and Freightage)
收货人 (Consignee)
垫付款 (Disbursements)
EDIFACT (Electronic Data Interchange for Administration, Commerce and Transportation)
禁运 (Embargo)
ETA/ETD (Estimated Time of Arrival / Estimated Time of Departure)
出口许可证 (Export License)
FIATA (Federation Internationale des Associations de Transitaires et Assimilées)
声明价值附加费 (Valuation Charge)
易受损坏或易遭盗窃的货物 (Vulnerable Cargo)
ATA/ATD (Actual Time of Arrival / Actual Time of Departure)
航空货运单 (AWB) (Air Waybill)
无人陪伴行李(Baggage, Unaccompanied)
中性航空运单(Neutral Air Waybill)
托运人 (Shipper)
散件货物 (Bulk Cargo)
离岸价格FOB (Free on Board)
机场离岸价 (FOB Airport)
货运代理 (Forwarder)
总重 (Gross Weight)
HAFFA (Hong Kong Air Freight Forwarding Association)
货运代理空运提单(即 :货运分运单)(HAWB) (House Air Waybill)
IATA (International Air Transport Association)
进口许可证 (Import Licence)
预装货物 (Prepacked Cargo)
收货核对清单(Reception Checklist List)
受管制托运商制度(Regulated Agent Regime) |