费用不含: 长城缆车 (双程120元,单程100元)
Mutianyu Great Wall Day Tour By Bus
The Mutianyu section of the Great Wall offers a unique experience to visitors who would like to view a less crowded and more peaceful part of The Great Wall of China which is free from crowds of other tourists. The Mutianyu section is a restored masterpiece that is surrounded by beautiful scenery, lush greenery, and hills with flowing streams. There are cable cars accessible along Mutianyu, making it easy for visitors to travel up and down the Great Wall. The walk from the base to the top takes around 40-60 minutes but ultimately, you can choose how to spend your visit as the Mutianyu section is divided by 22 watchtowers that provide either flat, easy walks, or more challenging, steeper treks towards the top.
Tour Itinerary
07:00-07:00 pick up from hotel.
09:30: Arrive at the Mutianyu section of the Great Wall. After you have arrived, you may explore the wonderfully restored Mutianyu section of Great Wall for approximately four hours. There are cable cars accessible along Mutianyu, making it easy for visitors to travel up and down the Great Wall at their own pace. There will be a lunch break where you can enjoy dishes from a local restaurant near the Great Wall.
15:30-16;00: After the tour, you will be transferred back to your hotel
Price Inclusion:
Round trip bus transportation.
English speaking tour guide.
Admission tickets to Mutianyu Great Wall.
Uphill and downhill internal shuttle.
Chinese lunch.
Price Exclusion:
Great Wall Cable Car
慕田峪长城介绍 慕田峪长城位于北京市怀柔区境内,距北京城区73公里。其历史悠久,文化灿烂,在中外享有“万里长城,慕田峪*秀”的美誉。景区内山峦叠嶂,植被覆盖率达90%以上。长城全长5400米,是长的长城 ,也是着名的北京十六景之一, 怀柔农家院东方圣景旅行社欢迎来电 慕田峪长城于公元1368年由朱元璋手下大将徐达在北齐长城遗址上督建而成,是明朝万里长城的精华所在。此段长城东
1. 本社专门从事外宾北京旅游接待工作,有丰富的涉外工作经验,是很多外企公司的得力旅游助手,为公司的贸易往来提. 升起到推波助澜作用. We can offer the proffessional English Tour Guide .All of them have them have more than 5-years working experience w
行程介绍: 早上8:00亮马桥地铁站A出口集合, 开车前往慕田峪长城,全程1.5小时, 抵达后自由活动5小时 下午2:30集合, 乘车返回亮马桥地铁站,结束行程 怀北漂流东方圣景旅行社-纯玩无购物 服务标准: [大巴车] 1.全程空调大巴车 2.车上可存放行李 [导游服务] 1. 导游全程进行景点讲解, 游览攻略, 问题解答 &nb
慕田峪长城介绍 慕田峪长城位于北京市怀柔区境内,距北京城区73公里。其历史悠久,文化灿烂,在中外享有“万里长城,慕田峪*秀”的美誉。景区内山峦叠嶂,植被覆盖率达90%以上。长城全长5400米,是长的长城 ,也是着名的北京十六景之一, 北京旅游包车东方圣景-无购物 慕田峪长城于公元1368年由朱元璋手下大将徐达在北齐长城遗址上督建而成,是明朝万里长城的精华所在。此段长城东连古
公司名: 东方圣景(北京)旅行社有限公司
联系人: 于女士
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手 机: 18600570690
微 信: 18600570690
地 址: 北京顺义南法信顺畅大道14号院6号楼5层517
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