The appropriate standard for this product appears to be UL 9990, but others may apply. If you have questions about the appropriate standards for the product, please consult with the laboratory directly.
2. Complete the attached Product Safety Questionnaire. The questionnaire is geared towards addressing the safety concern that the customer has brought up. Please reach out to the manufacturer of the product for the details you might not have.
3. Provide images of the product (front, back, accessories, and packaging). Images should include: model/serial number, safety/compliance marks & logos and safety labels & warnings on the product or packaging. Please also attach a copy of the instruction manual.
Thank you for your swift attention to this matter. We look forward to resolving this to our mutual customer’s satisfaction.
Please note:
While we investigate, product will remain unavailable for purchase from our website.
If the above documentation request is not completed in entirety within 7 days the case will be closed and the ASIN will remain suppressed.
一、申请条件 在*人民共和国境内生产、进口、销售以及使用的具有无线电发射功能的设备均应取得由国家无线电管理机构颁发的无线电发射设备型号核准证书。 二、申请材料 (一)核准无线电发射设备证书的申请: 1、申请单位提交《核准无线电发射设备型号申请表》原件(附件一); 2、提交申请单位的“企业法人营业执照”
IC认证简介 加拿*业部(Industry Canada)对进入加拿大市场的电子产品要求进行IC认证,加拿大电磁兼容认证标志。 IC认证的标准与FCC基本一致,IC目前只在电磁干扰上做限制 ICES-001:Industrial, Scientific and Medical Radio Frequency Generators ICES-003:Interference-Causing Equ
1、什么是MIC?MIC就是日本総务省(そうむしょう),(英文全称Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications,简称MIC)颁布的《电波法》でんぱほう和《电気通信事业法》でんきつうしんじぎょうほう为依据进行的认证。2、什么是TELEC?Telec的全称是:一般财団法人テレコムエンジニアリングセンター(Telecom Engineering Cent
IC 认证所需资料1.说明书英文2.规格书3.电路原理图4.PCB板图5.方框图6.申请表7.样品 IC认证申请IC认证的标准与FCC基本一致,IC目前只在电磁干扰上做限制ICES-001:Industrial, Scientific and Medical Radio Frequency GeneratorsICES
公司名: 深圳市华科检测技术有限公司
联系人: 杨文娟
电 话:
手 机: 13927443725
微 信: 13927443725
地 址: 广东深圳宝安区广东省深圳市宝安区福海街道和平社区骏丰中城智造创新园B2栋**层
邮 编:
网 址: janglcs.b2b168.com
公司名: 深圳市华科检测技术有限公司
联系人: 杨文娟
手 机: 13927443725
电 话:
地 址: 广东深圳宝安区广东省深圳市宝安区福海街道和平社区骏丰中城智造创新园B2栋**层
邮 编:
网 址: janglcs.b2b168.com