
    PVC oxygen masks, PVC oxygen bag, Clinical recognition of medical tape, anti-bedsore mattresses, medical ice pad, anti decubitus cushion, blood bags, IV bags, medical wash bags, medical blood pressure bags, mats and other medical power 
    Double foot high frequency machine three o'clock unique works: ⑴ works: a dielectric material, in the high-frequency electric field polarization under the action of molecules, arranged in accordance with the direction of the electric field due to high-frequency electric field at great speed change direction, the dielectric material, will be due to dielectric loss and fever 
    ⑵ works: high-frequency plastic welding equipment, are high-frequency dielectric heating equipment. 
    ⑶ works: electrical power output generated by the local oscillator or Duty Cycle 27.12MHZ 40.68MHZ, in line with international standards of industrial segments, various control devices of special electronic circuit, to avoid improper operation, and can the fastest time of welding products, improve Products. 
    ① Double foot high frequency machine against electrical interference devices: high-frequency and high frequency magnetic field frequency stabilizer system device, PVC plastic heat sealing machine high-frequency interference to a minimum, an effective solution to the PVC plastic heat sealing machine to other machines or high-frequency interference population lives. 
    ② Double Duty Cycle foot high machine stability: the use of international industrial band 27.12MHZ, output Duty Cycle stability, in line with international standards for industrial band. 
    ③ Double foot high machine output and strong, reliable performance: low-loss coaxial oscillator, coherent tuner, high-frequency heat welding machine output and strong reducing time and increase production. 
    ④ Double foot high frequency machine sensitivity spark arrester: PL5557 electronic thyratron, stationary high frequency of detection of excessive current machine. 
    ⑤ double foot high frequency machine security: the high frequency of the stationary machine machine at work or rest, whether it is a power cut or a sudden stop gas, or electricity or ventilation, the machine is stationary, to maintain the original position, not a sudden rise or fall; greatly improve operational safety of workers. 
    ⑥ Double foot high frequency heating machine: no grade heating thermostat device, according to different production needs, adjust the temperature, so that stationary high-frequency welding machine work more efficiently. 
    Taiwan's "CKC" relay-time, accurate lock to set the time 
    Taiwan "AirTAC" pneumatic components. Japanese "OMRON" relay, micro switch; Japan, "FUJI" contactor. 


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  • 设备预膜剂-工业水处理公司

    设备预膜剂-工业水处理公司 白色或淡黄色针状结晶。对酸、碱、氧化还原都很稳定,受热到100℃时稳定。与金属离子可以生成稳定的络合物。这种络合物吸附在金属表面,形成一层保护膜。本品易溶解于甲醇,丙酮,环乙烷溶剂中,难溶于水和石油系溶剂中。用途 BTA与铜原子能形成共价键和配位键,相互交替成键状聚合体,在铜表面组成多层防护膜,使铜的表面不产生电化学反应,从而具有特好的缓蚀作用,对铝、铸铁、铜镍、锌等金

  • 节能污水变色防垢剂-高科技含量


  • 干燥剂-节省成本方案

    干燥剂-节省成本方案 应用范围用于锅炉及其他设备停用期间的保养,并广泛应用于气体吸收,干燥液体脱色,色层分析,也可作催化剂等。使用保养剂的重要性    锅炉停用后,外界空气会大量进入炉体系统内,炉体金属表面附着的水膜与空气形成氧溶,达到饱和状态引起溶氧腐蚀,其腐蚀速度是运行时的十倍,在加上残留水垢,腐蚀性更加强烈。实践证明:产生严重腐蚀锅炉多数是停炉期间造成的,因此锅炉停用必须

  • 反渗透膜阻垢剂-使用说明

    反渗透膜阻垢剂-使用说明 反渗透阻垢剂可以有效控制无机物在膜表面形成结垢,影响膜系统性能,提升设备出水水质质量;反渗透阻垢剂投加量由于不同厂家配方和浓度不同,而不尽相同,添加量为3-5ppm,使用前需咨询厂家,反渗透阻垢剂一般有专用的自动加要装置,由加要箱、计量泵等组成,可设置单位时间内加要量,连续添加。反渗透阻垢剂的机理1、阻垢机理该要剂能与水中结垢的物质(钙、镁离子)生成晶格结构已变

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公司名: 天津市中环水院环保科技有限公司

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