Flexbar's Reprorubber® Metrology Casting Material Reprorubber® is an exotic metrology-grade rubber that self-cures in minutes. It creates a virtually perfect replica casting of internal and external forms. Reprorubber® is excellent for checking parts with optical comparators, is non-toxic, easy to use, never requires a release agent and is 100 times faster than RTV silicons. Flexbar的Reprorubber ®计量铸造材料 Reprorubber ®是一种奇异的计量级橡胶,自我在几分钟内缓解。它创建了一个内部??和外部形式几乎**复制品铸造。Reprorubber ®是用于检查零件与光学比较出色的,是无毒,使用方便,从不要求释放剂和100倍的速度比硫化硅橡胶 REPRORUBBER-THIN POUR 130ML KIT Model #: 16116 CLONE ANY PART QUICKLY WITH REPRORUBBER Made in U.S.A. METROLOGY CASTING MATERIAL Exotic Metrology-Grade Rubber - Self-Curing in Minutes Virtually Perfect Replica Casting of Internal and External Forms Non-Toxic - Easy To Use - 100 Times Faster Than RTV Silicones No Release Agent is Ever Needed. Excellent For Checking Parts With Optical Comparators! Final Color - LIGHT GREEN For internal-shape applications where a thin pour will completely fill the cavity without voids. A complete replica casting is quickly formed. •Manipulation time is 5 minutes and cure time is 15 minutes. •Start to finish: 20 minutes. •Kits include graduated mixing cups, wooden spatulas and instructions. •Use with REPRO-MIX Dispensing Gun System Model No. 16116,Reprorubber Thin Pour, 130ml Trial Kit. 迅速克隆任何部分 美国制造 计浇注料 异国情调的计量级橡胶 - 自固化在几分钟内 几乎**的内部和外部形态副本铸造 无毒 - 易于使用 - 100倍的速度比室温硫化硅橡胶 没有脱模剂以前需要。 较好的检查与光学比较部件! 最后的颜色 - 浅绿色 对于内部形应用中,将薄倒没有完全填满空隙腔。铸造是一个完整的副本迅速形成。 •操作时间为5分钟,固化时间为15分钟。 •从开始到结束:20分钟。 •套件包括毕业搅拌杯,木铲和指示。 •使用摄制混合胶枪系统 型号16116,Reprorubber薄倒入,一百三毫升审判套件。
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