Abstract: Data center is a place that gathering a large number of servers, storage equipment, network equipment and supporting UPS, precision air conditioning and other IT equipment, is to realize the centralized processing, storage, transmission, exchange and centralized management of data and information service platform.
Data center power supply quality directly affects the safe operation of the IT equipment, thus the data center column header tank outlet and inlet line of power supply monitoring is very important, in addition, as the global of available energy and reduced energy costs rise, how much more economic and efficient use of energy has become a duty-bound responsibility related enterprises.
1.Project overview
According to the requirements of data center array cabinet for monitoring device, our company designed AMC16-FAK48 data center monitoring device to realize the electrical parameters of multiple outgoing lines and the switch state of incoming and outgoing lines to achieve comprehensive monitoring. InnovIT AG is the largest data center manufacturer in Germany. This meter, which can monitor up to 48 single-phase AC outlet circuits, is used together with Acrel’s split core CT AKH-0.66-K-Φ10 to meet customers' requirements for monitoring 39 circuits.
3.Technical Features
work topology
5.Photo on-site
With the rapid development of data centers, the problem of energy consumption in data centers is becoming more and more prominent. Energy management and power supply and distribution design of data centers have become hot issues. Efficient and reliable data center power distribution system scheme is an effective way to improve the power use efficiency of data centers and reduce the energy consumption of equipment.To realize the energy saving of the data center, you will first need to achieve precise monitoring of each power load, the load circuit and data center very much, the traditional measuring meters can meet the cost, size, installation, construction and other aspects of requirements, so you need to use applies to data center centralized monitoring requirement of multi loop monitoring device.
The AMC16M is specially designed for array cabinet in data center. The application of this kind of product has been studied in depth, and it is superior to other schemes in terms of function, performance, availability and economy.
Solutions for enterprise micro-grid system
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【摘要】介绍该三级乙等综合医院手术室采用安科瑞医用隔离电源系统,使用分体配电柜安装方式,从而实现将TN系统转化为IT系统,以及系统绝缘情况监测。【关键词】三级乙等综合医院;手术室;IT系统;绝缘情况监测。0前言 该医院占地面积4.2万平方米,建筑面积7.14万平方米,开放床位868张。是一所三级乙等综合医院。本项为急诊住院综合大楼项目,其中医用隔离电源用于手术室以及同楼层ICU区域。&
朱鹍安科瑞电气股份有限公司 上海嘉定 201801摘 要:油烟气体污染城市环境,危害人类的健康,目前我国已经严格制定了对城市油烟污染物的排放标准和管理办法,并研究对城市油烟气体的排放实施有效的治理。传统的油烟监测方法费时费力,已不再适合社会发展的需要,随着现代通讯技术的发展,远程无线监测技术己明显显示其优势,特别是 GPRS 网络技术的发展,凭借其在线、实时传输、*廉等
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朱鹍安科瑞电气股份有限公司 上海嘉定 201801 摘要:电流互感器是电力系统中进行电能计量、电流测和微机保护的重要设备。一般在使用过程中电流互感器的一次绕组是串联在电力线路中的。二次绕组与测量仪表、微机保护及自动控制装置连接。由于传统电流互感器在变配电站的应用中是串接在设备中的。在初始安装耐直接嵌接在不同回路中.变配电站电气连接是硬连接。所以一旦电流互感器需要维修换。需要从连接处开始
公司名: 安科瑞电子商务(上海)有限公司
联系人: 王子锋
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手 机: 15000353138
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地 址: 上海嘉定嘉定育绿路225号
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安科瑞远程预付费系统Acrel-3200 先付费后用电 远程管理