The complaint is regardin “So, within 10 minutes after installation the power supply indicator is not turn on anymore and caught on fire. A few minutes later the entire strip d.
Produ Safety asks that you please respond to the above concern by taking the following steps:
1. MOST IMPORTANT: Submit all relevant safety testing data and certification for the item. We ask you include testing specifically relating to the incident in question. Please refer to the attached word document of “Produ Compliance Guidelines” if you he any questions. PLEASE NOTE: An MSDS does not suffice for safety testing.
The appropriate standard for this produ appears to UL 2108, but others may apply. If you he questions about the appropriate standards for the produ, please consult with the laboratory direly.
2. Complete the attached Produ Safety Questionnaire. The questionnaire is geared towards addressing the safety concern that the customer has brought up. Please reach out to the manufaurer of the produ for the details you might not he.
3. Provide images of the produ (front, back, accessories, and packaging). Images should include: model/serial number, safety/compliance marks & logos and safety labels & warnings on the produ or packaging. Please also attach a copy of the instruion manual.
Thank you for your swift attention to this matter. We look forward to resolving this to our mutual customer’s satisfaion.
Please note:
While we investigate, produ will remain unailable for purchase from our website.
If the above documentation request is not completed in entirety within 7 days the case will be closed and the ASIN will remain suppressed.
美甲笔办理FDA认证多少钱 深圳市电检科技(DJT)是一家主要从事电子及电器产品安全(Safty)、电磁兼容(EMC)、有害及成品的分析和认证(RoHS)及无线电通讯认证和代理的专业服务机构, DJT目前拥有相当规模的Safty、EMC、R&TTE、ROHS等检测的第三方检测实验室,本实验室是严格按照ISO/IEC17025,GUIDE25与EN45001实验室
果汁机做UL报告实验室 UL报告:黄生: UL检测报告步骤都有些? 而随着在**商业的战略地位不断,境外的电子设备通过不断美国市场,美国对境外的电子产品生产企业并没有强制性的安规检测。 之前发生了一系列的电子产品起火事件,这个情况,2017年9月24号美国相关部门发布了专门电商的法律,要求有义务通知在平台上销售的境外电商提供相关
低压花园灯UL1838报告做一份认证申请流程 UL检测报告的有效期是多久? 1 适用范围 真空吸尘器,鼓风式吸尘器,和家用地板清洁器. 1.1本适用于the Canadian Elerical Code Part 1(CEC),the National Elerical Code(NEC),ANSI/NFPA 70要求的电动真空吸尘器和鼓风式吸尘器,以及家用地板清洁器. 1.
映像处理器做UL62368报告时间多久 那么问题来了,UL 认呢? 美国质检报告要ul检测报告, 中秋节将近!欧美各大市场的灯串/灯饰/圣诞灯饰卖的跟过中秋节的月饼一样*!!各大电商卖家都在本年度再大捞一笔。 但许多卖家反映 UL检测报告周期需要多久?:在卖的灯串/灯饰/季节性灯,被通知48小时内必须提供UL588认证!无此认证将被!这到底是怎么一回事呢?为什么要灯串
公司名: 深圳市电检科技有限公司
联系人: MARK
电 话: 13058088658
手 机: 13875002172
微 信: 13875002172
地 址: 广东深圳宝安区
邮 编:
网 址: szdj88.b2b168.com
公司名: 深圳市电检科技有限公司
联系人: MARK
手 机: 13875002172
电 话: 13058088658
地 址: 广东深圳宝安区
邮 编:
网 址: szdj88.b2b168.com