Abstract: the user side consumes 80% of the electric energy of the whole power grid, and the intelligent power management of the user side is of great significance to the user's reliability, safety and saving of electricity. The intelligent power service system is constructed to promote the multi-function energy meter intelligent energy management terminal and other equipment power management solutions to realize the two-ways positive interaction between the power grid and the user. The research contents that the client needs to solve mainly include: advanced meter, intelligent building, intelligent appliance, value-added service, customer power management system, demand side management and so on.
Acrel intelligent multi-function energy meter with intelligent energy management system to help customers achieve real-time monitoring, high-precision electrical parameters acquisition, easy to install.
1.Project Overview
VERTESZ Electronics Ltd. focuses its attention the market segments of industrial electronic; One is telecontrol (SCADA projects) of medium voltage secondary distribution network by TELPAM product range. The customer installs Acrel ADL400 multi-function three-phase watt-hour meter in the distribution cabinet,connects with the gateway through RS485 communication mode, and connects the uplink Ethernet to the server. Feedback the collected information to the management platform in real time.
2.ADL400 Series Din Rail Multi-function Energy Meter
ADL400 is a smart meter designed for power supply system, industrial and mining enterprises and utilities to calculate the electricity consumption and manage the electric demand. It features the high precision, small size and simple installation. It integrates the measurement of all electrical parameters with the comprehensive electricity metering and management provides various data on previous 48 months, checks the 31st harmonic content and the total harmonic content, realizes the remote communication and the remote control with switching input and relay output and boasts the alarm output. It is fitted with RS485 communication port and adapted to MODBUS-RTU Protocol .ADL400 can be used in all kinds of control systems, SCADA systems and energy management systems. The meter meet the related technical requirements of electronic meter in the IEC62053-21standards.
3.Model Description
5.Technical Parameters
Figure 1 direct connect
Figure 2 CT connect
6. Network Topology
7.Installation Site
8. In conclusion
ADL400 series of multifunctional energy meters adopt DIN35mm guide rail type installationn with small volume, it can measure electric energy and other electrical parameters, can set the clock, rate period and other parameters, high accuracy and good reliability. By RS485 communication, with the gateway, power management system to complete the networking mode. To help customers to simple, effective real-time monitoring of energy consumption in building buildings, greatly save the process of human meter reading, and visual display of all data can be users, improve management efficiency.
1.Solutions for enterprise micro-grid system
摘要:通过结合机架母线槽系统的使用特点,将“始端箱7线槽+终端箱”机架母线配电方式与现有"列头柜+电缆"配电 方式进行使用性能与技术经济指标的对比,分析了机架母线柔,性配电、保护、扩容、监测等多种功能,说明机架母线在提高了数据供电方式稳定性、灵活性的同时,大大提高了单位空间的装机率。关键词:数据;机房配电;列头柜;机架母线0引言 随着大数据的飞速
朱鹍江苏安科瑞电器制造有限公司 江苏江阴 214400一、引言 近日,《2030年前碳达峰行动方案》中针对“节能降碳增效行动”细则明确指出:提升节能管理能力。推行用能预算管理,强化固定资产投资项目节能审查,对项目用能和碳排放情况进行综合评价,从源头推进节能降碳。提高节能管理信息化水平,完善重要用能单位能耗在线监测系统,建立全国性、行业性节能技术推
摘要:现如今,智能变电站发展已经成为了电力系统发展过程中的内容,如何提高智能变电站的运行效率也成为电力系统发展的一个重要目标,为了能够好地促进电力系统稳定运行,本文则就智能变电站自动化系统的实现进行了分析。关键词:智能变电站;自动化系统;一体化监控0引言电能作为人们生产生活的主要能源,如何电能、经济与稳定地运输和使用可谓是十分的重要。 要想提升电力系统整体运行效率,为用户提供的电能,需要对其中的设
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安科瑞远程预付费系统Acrel-3200 先付费后用电 远程管理