我司常年批量给德国、瑞士、法国、日本、韩国等大型医疗器材公司代工,生产关节镜刨刀,种植牙以及骨科类等各种工具。钻头、丝锥、取骨器、起子等工具(常规种植牙工具盒,有28种规格)。每个公司要的钻头的形式有区别,长度、螺旋角等各不相同。 关节镜刨刀,可以生产各种齿型的,如:shaver blades and burrs、 Incisor Plus Elite Blades、HELICUT Burr刃口都是经过精研磨,非常锋利,能轻快、有效、精确的去除毛刺骨,切割软组织..。排屑顺畅,减少堵塞,节约手术的时间,减轻病人痛苦 骨科类钻头,工具可以按客户提供的尺寸图、或者样品生产。各种特殊、复杂成型都可以生产。 这些工具都是我们非常擅长的产品,如有DHL、TNT等账号,可以寄样品供您测试。您可以测试钻头的锋利性,耐磨性、抗锈能力及外观的美观性等。完全可以替代进口原装产品。您需要做什么规格、什么尺寸的工具,也请能发具体的尺寸图或者样品给我,以便报价和生产,非常感谢! Our company usually produces every kind of bone tool and implant dental tool for big medical company from Germany, Sweden, France, Japan, Korea and etc. There are 28 specifications in common bone plug cutter, dental implant tool box including drill, tap, and driver and so on. Every customer has difference in the type of drill bits, such as length, helical angle and others. As to the Arthroscopic Plane Blade(Arthroscopic Tool), we can serve it with all kinds tooth. Such as Shaver Blades and burrs , Incisor Plus Elite Blades and Helicut Burr, Which edges has been smooth grinded. Thus, it will be very sharp and the burr will be operated lightly, soft tissue will be cut effectively and accurately. As a result, we can Chip smoothly, reduce congestion, save operation time and reduce patient suffering. Orthopedic drill tool can be served according to the specific drawing size or sample. That is to say, all kinds of specific and complicated profile lathe can be produced. Those tools are our superior products, if you have any express account number, we can send our stock for your test, and you can test many aspects, like sharp, wear-resistance, rust-prevention, and surface beauty and so on. Those can totally substitute products imported from some countries. If you need some kind of implant dental tool, please send us detailed specification or samples in order to make quotation and produce, thank you very much! SKH4C:(不生锈的锋钢)(淬硬处理HRC60°±2°) **高硬度**级镜面不锈锋钢,具有较为优秀的防锈、耐腐蚀、耐磨耗(高硬度)性能及理想的抗冲击性能,应用范围广。相应一般不锈模具钢具有3~6倍的使用寿命,相应AISI440C及SUS440C具有更为优秀的切削锋利性及耐磨耗性能。在盐水中,防锈能力可提高至10~20倍以上,品质相当优秀及稳定,可生产较为复杂、精密的柄部形状。 SKH4C: (a kind of high speed steel, which does not rust at all.)(Hardening treatment: HRC60°±2°) This is super high hardness super mirror finish stainless high speed steel. It is characterized by excellent anti-rust, anti-corrosion, anti-worn (high hardness) and ideal impact resistance properties. It applies to a wide range. Its useful life is 3-6 times than normal stainless products. Moreover, AIS1440C and SUS440C are even better quality of incisiveness and much more excellent anti-worn properties. Under salt water circumstances, it's anti-rust capability could improve more than 10-20 times. Its quality is quite good and stable. we can produce extreme complex and accurate Holder profile.
湖北档案密集档案架诚信商家 在一般人看来,档案密集架多是老年人在使用。但记者近日走访各大密集架卖场后发现,不少人也逐渐爱上了档案密集架。一家档案密集架的密集柜张先生告诉记者,使用档案密集架,跟年龄其实并无很大关系,所载荷的主要是一种习惯。 公司多年来,公司不断强化经营制度,以科技为先导,以求生存,坚持以人为本,科技创新的战略理念,坚持以质取胜,凭借规范的高素质的员工队伍和科学的体系及完善的售后服
鹤壁移动密集文件柜商家 公司生产销售定做专卖经销密集架、密集柜、档案密集架、档案密集柜、智能密集架、智能密集柜、电动密集架、电动密集柜、会计凭证密集柜、病历密集柜、半封闭(全封闭)密集柜、手动(手摇)密集架、手动(手摇)密集柜、不锈钢密集柜(密集架)、密集底图柜、智能表库密集柜、金库门,防火门,防磁柜,珠宝柜,保密柜,信报箱,保险柜,上下床,移动货架、书架等密集架/密集柜产品特点: 1、我公司生
内江档案密集架全网较低价格450-500元。手机:13833869187(刘经理)常年有现货公司负责送货上门服务到家. 河北制品有限公司(本公司手动档案密集架 智能电动密集柜一律厂价直销无中间环节,并有专人免费进行测量做预算出图纸,质保十年,质保期内免费更换零部件,公司全国每个地级市均有办事处,售后有**让您买着放心用着舒心,现在好多网上公司没有实体,进行倒卖,我公司诚邀客户到我公司验厂
宿州直列式密集架厂家服务 5.长时间使用推拉门,防尘条可能会有轻微胶落现象,可用双面胶粘合即可下轨道走位出现缝隙,可用螺丝刀主营选择书架前要针对自己已有的书籍和将来要添置的书籍决定书架的样式,如果书籍多为32开本的,则没有必要选择那种层高和厚度均为大16开本书籍设计的书架,以免浪费空间。 公司生产销售密集柜、密集架、文件柜、档案柜、柜、防磁柜、上下床、课桌椅、书架、书柜、智慧密集柜、智慧档案柜、
公司名: 衡水鑫康档案设备销售有限公司
联系人: 于畅
电 话: 0318-5931666
手 机: 13833869187
微 信: 13833869187
地 址: 河北衡水武邑县河北省武邑县桥头工业区
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