The complaint is regardin “So, within 10 minutes after installation the power supply indicator is not turn on anymore and caught on fire. A few minutes later the entire strip d.
Produ Safety asks that you please respond to the above concern by taking the following steps:
1. MOST IMPORTANT: Submit all relevant safety testing data and certification for the item. We ask you include testing specifically relating to the incident in question. Please refer to the attached word document of “Produ Compliance Guidelines” if you he any questions. PLEASE NOTE: An MSDS does not suffice for safety testing.
The appropriate standard for this produ appears to UL 2108, but others may apply. If you he questions about the appropriate standards for the produ, please consult with the laboratory direly.
2. Complete the attached Produ Safety Questionnaire. The questionnaire is geared towards addressing the safety concern that the customer has brought up. Please reach out to the manufaurer of the produ for the details you might not he.
3. Provide images of the produ (front, back, accessories, and packaging). Images should include: model/serial number, safety/compliance marks & logos and safety labels & warnings on the produ or packaging. Please also attach a copy of the instruion manual.
Thank you for your swift attention to this matter. We look forward to resolving this to our mutual customer’s satisfaion.
Please note:
While we investigate, produ will remain unailable for purchase from our website.
If the above documentation request is not completed in entirety within 7 days the case will be closed and the ASIN will remain suppressed.
精华FDA注册机构 深圳市电检科技(DJT)是一家主要从事电子及电器产品安全(Safty)、电磁兼容(EMC)、有害及成品的分析和认证(RoHS)及无线电通讯认证和代理的专业服务机构, DJT目前拥有相当规模的Safty、EMC、R&TTE、ROHS等检测的第三方检测实验室,本实验室是严格按照ISO/IEC17025,GUIDE25与EN45001实验室规范组织
惠州做UL2157脱水机报告实验室 什么是UL报告和UL认证有什么区别? 常见的一些UL和内容? 电源适配器UL60950-1报告 UL60950-1是IT类电源的一个北美安规,主要是电源的温升、耐压、绝缘等提出的要求。不同的产品,不同的地区有不同的安规。 UL报告需要认证申请流程? 锂电池组UL2054报告 UL2054的项目主要包括电( 短路 、过充 、滥用过充 、过放
BB/CC霜办理FDA注册检测公司 深圳市电检科技(DJT)是一家主要从事电子及电器产品安全(Safty)、电磁兼容(EMC)、有害及成品的分析和认证(RoHS)及无线电通讯认证和代理的专业服务机构, DJT目前拥有相当规模的Safty、EMC、R&TTE、ROHS等检测的第三方检测实验室,本实验室是严格按照ISO/IEC17025,GUIDE25与EN4500
餐吊灯做UL报告实验室 办理UL报告的流程是什么? 平台销售的的电子产品,要符合的,如果不合格很*发生起火,等危及消费者的生命财产安全,因此很多商家因缺少UL报告,产品被销售权被移除等问题,也少不了**之间的恶意触发审核。 带电的产品上架都需要相关的UL报告,需要有ISO 17025资质的实验室出具的报告才能正常销售和恢复链接。 电子产品 UL报告是什么? UL报告是
公司名: 深圳市电检科技有限公司
联系人: MARK
电 话: 13058088658
手 机: 13875002172
微 信: 13875002172
地 址: 广东深圳宝安区
邮 编:
网 址: szdj88.b2b168.com
公司名: 深圳市电检科技有限公司
联系人: MARK
手 机: 13875002172
电 话: 13058088658
地 址: 广东深圳宝安区
邮 编:
网 址: szdj88.b2b168.com