FVC-3000肺活量计检测仪,FVC-3000肺活量仪测定仪 不仅可以验证FVC参数,还可以验证FEV1,FEF 25-75,PEFR和瞬时呼气流速(FEF25,FEF50和FEF75)以及FIVC。现在,您可以在1.5到3升的体积范围内以1.5毫升的数字增量从零到每秒12升验证您的肺功能设备的流速精度!
尺寸:4.25英寸(宽)x 26英寸(长)
Air “flow” is the determining factor in the diagnosis of today’s two most predominant respiratory diseases; asthma and COPD. Yet, standard spirometry calibration syringes can only accurately validate for volume! Recognizing this, the American Thoracic Society and the Social Security Disability standards now recommend checking spirometric linearity and flow rate accuracy by varying injection times of a standard 3-liter volumetric syringe at three different rates; 0.5 seconds, 6 seconds, and somewhere in between. Although this is an improvement over previous recommendations, it is an inaccurate and time-consuming approach requiring a stopwatch. As a consequence, very few people follow these recommendations.
The digital Flow-Volume Calibrator® surpasses these requirements by providing the ability to validate not only the FVC parameter, but also the FEV1, FEF 25-75, PEFR and instantaneous expiratory flow rates (FEF25, FEF50, and FEF75), as well as the FIVC. You can now verify the flow rate accuracy of your pulmonary function device from zero to twelve liters per second anywhere in the volumetric range of zero to three liters in digital increments of 1.5 milliliters!
Individually handcrafted to the highest standards
Powered by 9 volt battery, providing a wireless, easy-to-use design
Large LCD screen displays FVC, FEV1, PEFR, FEF25, FEF50, FEF75, FEF25-75 and FIVC
Manufactured from high quality 304 Stainless Steel and clear-coated for maximum consistency and durability
Tapered nose cone adapts to the widest range of fittings, 1.0″ to 1.5″
Syringe feet promote stable and accurate operation
Volume accuracy of 0.5% or 15ml, meeting all recognized standards
Dimensions: 4.25” (W) x 26” (L)
Weight: 6.0 lbs.
美国MEDA FVM400矢量磁通门计,FVM400磁力计 美国MEDA FVM400矢量磁通门计,FVM400磁力计特点:1 Nanotesla(0.01毫高斯)分辨率在±100,000 Nanotesla(1高斯)满量程范围内。±0.25%的基本精度可追溯至NIST。同时显示三个矢量组件。运营商可选择的现场单位(nanotesla,microtesla或milligauss)。运算符
HFPA150中性电极阻抗测试仪是一款简单便利的中性电极接触阻抗测试器,符合国际标准: IEC 60601-2-2依据IEC60601-2-2:2009 , 国际医疗法规标准对中性电极接触阻抗的测试要求而设计可在50kHz到5Mhz间输出200mA讯号并加上0-50Ω阻抗以DDS(直接数位合成)技术来稳定输出频率内建电流监控埠,无须另外采购昂贵探针HFPA150中性电极阻
UNIDOS webline剂量计,UNIDOS webline静电计,PTW UNIDOS剂量计具有集成网络特性的高性能二级标准和参考级剂量计/静电计可用于放射**、射线诊断和辐射防护的多用剂量计UNIDOS webline剂量计,UNIDOS webline静电计,PTW UNIDOS剂量计符合以下国际标准、导则和规程:IEC60731《放疗中用的电离室剂量计》;工程医学物理学(IPEM)导则
Acertara 804膜式水听器,Acertara 804 PvDF水听器代表了准确性和稳定性的金标准。由于其性能特点和长期可靠性,Acertara的水听器每天在**的研发,监管和质量控制实验室中使用。所有Acertara水听器均提供可追溯至英格兰国家物理实验室的校准。水听器型号可提供在1-40MHz范围内平坦且稳定的响应。图1(左上方):我们的典型804模型响应在1-20MHz及更高频率范围内
公司名: 深圳市净康科技有限公司
联系人: 肖群芳
电 话: 13552928145
手 机: 13552928145
微 信: 13552928145
地 址: 广东深圳广东省深圳市龙岗区南湾街道沙坪北路111号6008室
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公司名: 深圳市净康科技有限公司
联系人: 肖群芳
手 机: 13552928145
电 话: 13552928145
地 址: 广东深圳广东省深圳市龙岗区南湾街道沙坪北路111号6008室
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