摘要:安科瑞ATE系列和ARTM-Pn无线测温设备适用于高低压柜的梅花触头,线缆,母排等位置对温度的实时监测。 Abstract: ATE series and ARTM-Pn are suitable for monitoring the real-time temperature of circuit breaker contact,cable,busbar in high or low voltage cabinet 1.项目概述 Project Overview 俄罗斯某项目需要监测高压柜内的母排及线缆的温度,客户多方面对比后,发现我司ATE系列和ARTM-Pn无线测温设备,易于安装,通讯距离远,可适用范围广,决定采用我司无线测温设备。 A project in Russia needs to monitor the temperature of the busbars and cables in the high-voltage cabinet. After comparing various aspects, the customer found that our ATE series wireless temperature sensors and ARTM-Pn wireless temperature measurement equipment which are easy to install with a long communication distance, and have a wide range of applications. So they decided to use our wireless temperature measurement equipment. 2.产品介绍 product presentation ARTM-Pn 无线测温采集装置根据《NB/T 42086-2016 无线测温装置技术要求》开发,可用于 3~35kV 户内开关柜,包括中置柜、手车柜、固定柜、环网柜等多种开关柜,也可用于 0.4kV 低压柜,包括固定柜,抽屉柜等。无线测温传感器可安装于柜内任何发热点上,利用无线数据传输技术, 可实时把监测数据发送出去,通过 ARTM-Pn 无线测温采集装置就地显示温度,也可以通过装置的 RS485 接口互联组网实现远程智能监控。 ARTM-Pn wireless temperature measuring equipment has been developed in compliance with Specification for Wireless Temperature Measuring equipment, NB/T 42086-2016. It is suitable for 3-35kV indoor switchgears, including built-in switchgears, handcart switchgears, fixed switchgears and loop-net switchgears. It is also suitable for 0.4kV low-voltage switchgears such as fixed switchgears and drawer switchgears. The wireless temperature sensors can be installed at any heating point in switchgears, the device utilizes the wireless data transmission technology for real-time transmission of monitored temperature data and displays such data on ARTM-Pn locally. In addition, it can be networked via the RS485 port for remote intelligent monitoring. ATE系列无线温度传感器共有 3 种,分别对应螺栓固定、表带固定、扎带捆绑三种安装方式。螺栓式适用于电缆与母排搭接处,电缆与隔离刀闸搭接处使用;表带式适用于断路器动触头、静触头、电缆接头、母排等处使用;扎带捆绑适用于动触头,母排,电缆,母排、电缆搭接处等多种场合。 There are three types of ATE series wireless temperature sensors and three mounting methods correspondingly, i.e. bolted type, strap-secured type and tied type. The bolted type is suitable for use at joints between cable and bus bar and joints between cable and disconnector. The strap-secured type is suitable for use at moving contacts and fixed contacts of breaker, cable joints and bus bar. The tied type is suitable for use at moving contacts, bus bars, cables and joints between bus bar and cable. 参考文献 Bibliography 1.Solutions for enterprise micro-grid system 2020.04 因网站受限,若想了解产品详情请于博主联系。
一、项目背景概述 在人类历史长河中,已经经历了两次交通能源动力系统变革。今天,人类再次来到了交通能源动力系统变革的十字路口,三次变革将是以电力和动力电池(包括燃料电池)替代石油和内燃机,将人类带入清洁能源时代,我们大胆的预测,三次交通能源动力系统的变革将带动亚洲经济的腾飞,使亚洲取代美国成为世界经济的发动机。 在能源和环保的压力下,新能源汽车无疑将成为未来汽车的发展方向。如果新能源汽车得到快速发展
摘 要:本文中介绍的就是针对密集型的中各阶段的分接箱中的监控采集。可以通过本地检测模块采集汇总数据,转发给后台电力监控系统的遥测、遥信数据进行实时监控,大大提高各节点出的电参量使用信息,增加了整体用电的可靠性、安全性、提高供电质量。 1. 概述 晶澳太阳能是**的高性能光伏产品制造商,其产品应用于住宅、商业和地面光伏电站发电系统。晶澳成立于2005年5月,2007年2月在美国纳斯达克证券交易所挂牌
安科瑞 陈聪 周洁 摘要:本文介绍了安科瑞直流电表DJSF1352在加拿大光伏系统中的应用。主要用于光伏系统中的电流的计量,配合分流器对电流进行计量。 Abstract: This article introduces the application of Acrel DC meters in PV system in Canada.The device is measuring current,
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