Abstract:This article introduces the application of the Hall Sensor used in chile. Hall current sensors are mainly used to isolate and convert AC, DC, pulse and other complex **s. After ** control of current **s are converted according to the Hall Effect Theory, they can be directly acquired by AD, DSP, PLC, secondary instruments and other devices. Hall current sensors are widely applicable for acquisition and feedback in the current monitoring, battery application, inverter, solar power management, direct current cabinet, DC motor drive, electroplating, welding, frequency converter, UPS servo control systems. They feature the quick response, wide range of measurement, high precision, strong overload capacity, good linearity and excellent anti-interference performance.
1. Project overview:
The company that do lithium batteries need to use DC Hall sensors to transmit DC current to the 4-20mA analog ** output. After confirming the input and output and working power, the customer chose AHKC-EKA and AHKC-EKAA.
2.Advantages of open type Hall sensor
Compared with the traditional DC current measurement method generally adopted by shunt or transformer, the open-type Hall sensor has the following advantages:
1) High insulation strength of primary side and secondary side, up to AC 12KV isolation;
2) No insertion loss;
3) Good dynamic performance: the response time is less than 20uS and the tracking speed Di /dt is higher than 20A/ uS
4) There is no need to disassemble the original side cable or bus during installation. It is especially suitable for the transformation and construction of equipment that is not allowed to lose power.
3.Product Selection
Hall current sensor is mainly used in factory transformation of DC power distribution system, photovoltaic, UPS, motor system, etc. It can convert the primary DC current ** in the system into a standard DC ± 5V or 4-20mA output, which plays a role in monitoring and electrical isolation , It can be used with multi-loop monitoring instruments or other electrical measuring instruments.
Open-end Hall current sensor plays an important role in the application of DC system because of its simple structure, convenient installation, reliable operation .
1.Solutions For Enterprise Micro-grid System 2021.04
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朱鹍安科瑞电气股份有限公司 上海嘉定 201801 摘要:以LoRa为代表的低功耗、远距离网络技术的出现,有效解决了物联网复杂组网和高功耗的难题。为进一步降低基于LoRaWAN的无线抄表系统的功耗,同时针对ZigBee、红外等无线技术在抄表方案中存在通信距离短、抗干扰能力弱的缺陷,通过对LoRaWAN无线标准协议的研究,将MCU系统和LoRa技术相结合
朱鹍安科瑞电气股份有限公司 上海嘉定201801摘要:本文通过对我国当前的电器火灾的防控形势情况和电气火灾产生理由及电气火灾预防的办法等内容进行深入剖析,提出在配置合理电气火灾的监控系统的同时需要格外重视剩余电流监控探测器功能的扩大化方面的问题,在对电气火灾的监控技术方面进行应用。在日常生活和生产中,电气火灾监控系统要在人类生活及生产正常的前提下进行应用。关键词:电气火灾;监控;预防;剩余电流;故
摘要:电力监控系统在智能建筑中被广泛使用,其以及时、稳定、安全、便捷的优点提高了电能使用效率,节约了成本。借助电力监控系统能准确判断故障发生原因和位置,为智能建筑的安全性和智能化发展提供了有力的支持关键词:电力监控系统;智能建筑;监控系统;电气节能 0引言 智能建筑是运用计算机自动管控功能实现物的信息、通信等自动化的建筑形式。电力监控系统在智能建筑中
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