

    Abstract: This article introduces the application of “Acrel” DJSF1352-RN DC meter in the Russian UPS metering system. It is mainly used for the measurement of the output energy in the UPS system, and the measurement, communication and control of the circuit system through the Hall sensor.

    1.项目概述:Project Overview


    The company is located in Russia and is a battery production company. Mainly engaged in the production and supply of industrial batteries and UPS in Russia. The customer needs to use a DC meter for monitoring and measuring the electrical energy at the output of the UPS.

    2.DJSF1352-RN介绍 DJSF1352-RN DC Energy Meters



    DJSF1352-RN rail-mounted DC power meter designed for telecommunications base stations, DC charging piles, solar photovoltaic and other applications, this series of meters can measure the voltage, current, power and forward and reverse energy and so on in the DC system.The actual use of the site, you can measure the total power, but also measure the energy within a specified period of time. The test results can be used for local display, but also with industrial control equipment, computers to form a measurement and control system.

    The meter can have infrared communication interface and RS-485 communication interface, and supports Modbus-RTU protocol and DLT645-97 (07) protocol at the same time.The meter can have relay alarm output and digital input function;You can set the ratio, alarm, and communication through the meter panel keys according to different requirements.The meter can have event recording of switch (Modbus protocol), programming and event setting records (645 protocol), instantaneous and timing freeze function of data (645 protocol), maximum and minimum value recording function of voltage and current power.

    3.型号及功能介绍 Type and Function Description

    Note:when dual DC input(D)function is selected,if Hall current sensor input is used in current channel, a power supply module shall be provided to supply power to the second Hall sensor; if D function is not provided, the built-in power supply of electric meter can be used.

    4.客户要求 Customer Requirements


    The customer wants to measure the actual output power of the UPS to calculate the conversion ratio of UPS energy storage to energy consumption. The UPS input end uses our ADL series electric meter, the output end uses DJSF1352-RN DC meter, and the electrical ** is taken through the shunt in order to achieve the purpose of output measurement.

    参考文献 Bibliography

    1.Solutions For Enterprise Micro-grid System 2021.04


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公司名: 江苏安科瑞电器制造有限公司

联系人: 吴雅芳

手 机: 18706162527

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地 址: 江苏无锡江阴市江苏省江阴市南闸街道东盟路5号

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