材质 A 每件重量 1(Kg) 长度 1000(m) 较大幅宽 1(m) 厚度 1-100(mm) 用途 工业 外观 平整 产商 德国 产品名称:浇铸型尼龙:铸型尼龙简称MC尼龙(Monomer casting nylon),是应用广泛的工程塑料,几乎遍布所有的工业领域。MC尼龙的分子量高达7-10万,为一般尼龙6、尼龙66的3倍,因而其综合机械性能远比其他的尼龙材料好得多。 主要特性:其综合性能好,强度、刚度和硬度高,抗蠕变、耐磨、耐热老化(适用温度范围-40度----120度),机加工性能好等。 应用领域:铸型尼龙广泛代替机械设备的耐磨部件,代替铜和合金作设备的耐磨易损件。如轴套、轴瓦、衬套、衬板、齿轮、蜗轮辊铜导轨、活塞环、密封圈、滑块、球碗、叶轮、叶片、凸轮、螺母、阀片、管道、填料函、齿条、皮带轮、泵转子等。由于工艺和工模结构简单,制造成本相对低廉,成为替代铜、不锈钢、铝合金、聚四氟乙烯等的理想材料。 规格:板材:5~100mm x1000mmx500mm /1000mm 棒材:10~500mm x 500 / 1000mm 颜色:米黄蓝色绿色黑色灰色 产地:德国 Material A weight per piece 1 ( Kg ) The length of 1000 ( m ) the largest width of 1 ( m ) The thickness of 1-100 ( mm ) uses industrial Smooth appearance manufacturers in Germany Product Name: monomer casting nylon nylon: referred to as MC nylon ( Monomer casting nylon ), is a widely used engineering plastics, almost all industrial fields. MC Nylon high molecular weight of 7-10 million, for the general nylon 6, nylon 66 3 times, so its comprehensive mechanical properties than other nylon material much better. Main features: it has good comprehensive properties, strength, stiffness and high hardness, abrasion resistance, creep resistance, heat aging ( applicable temperature range of - 40 degrees - 120 degrees ), machining and good performance. Application of MC nylon extensive: instead of mechanical equipment wear-resistant parts, instead of copper alloy and the wear-resistant equipment for wearing parts. Such as bushings, Bush, bushings, gears, worm gear, lining plate copper roller guide, piston ring, the sealing ring, the slider, the ball bowl, impeller, blade, cam, nuts, valve, pipeline, stuffing, gear, pulley, pump rotor. Due process and mould has the advantages of simple structure, low manufacture cost, as an alternative to copper, stainless steel, aluminum alloy, such as the ideal material of polytetrafluoroethylene. Specifications: Sheet : 5 ~ 100mm x1000mmx500mm / 1000mm Bar : 10 to 500mm x 500 / 1000mm Color: blue green black gray Beige Origin: Germany
肇庆封开脉冲热压机回收公司诚信收购 脉冲热压机回收 流程: 1.来电咨询 2.上门看货 3.诚信定价 4.协议 5.安全收集拆卸 6.场地清洁 7.定期行情回访 龙伟说,日子废物一天发生7000多吨,餐饮企业排放的餐饮废物一天有700吨摆布,现在,作为试点城市,正在展开餐饮废物再生使用,无害化处理工作,往后,餐厨废物将有归于自己的一套处理程序,即人员和运送车辆天天将餐饮
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公司名: 佰利再生资源(东莞)有限公司
联系人: 黄先生
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地 址: 广东东莞南城三元里社区财津商务大厦七楼701-704号
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