
    Company Profile
    WITTENSTEIN AG products are found everywhere extreme precision is required to drive, operate and control. The products developed, produced and distributed by WITTENSTEIN include highly precise planetary gears, complete electromechanical drive systems and AC booster systems and motors. The products are implemented in such areas as robots and machine tools, packing, conveyor systems and process technology, paper and printing machines, medical technology, and also in the aerospace industry.
    Our fundamental orientation toward intelligent drive systems and the fusion of micro- and macro-technology have driven the further development of our core know-how and core components step by step: In 1983 the first true planetary gearboxes were introduced to the public for the first time. Further developments followed in the areas of linear technology starting in 1991, electronics in 1992, motors in 1994, sensor technology in 1996 and software in 1998. 
    AFM Sensorik GmbH
    Temperature Gauges
       unitemp TW6000
    	Compact temperature monitor with analogue- and switch output
     	   unitemp TW6100
     	Compact temperature monitor with lengthened test prod
     	   unitemp TW7000
     	Compact temperature monitor with stainless steel housing for food industry
    unitemp TW6000
    Compact temperature monitor with analogue- and switch output
       	Compact Temperature Monitor
     	with display of excellent luminosity
       	Analogue output: 4...20 mA or 0...10 DCV
     	for purpose of control and recording
       	Switch output
     	N.O./N.C., short circuit protection and protected against reverse polarity
       	Without sealing compound
       	Easy to operate
     	all working parameters can be adjusted when the pressure units are installed at a process system
       	EMV-stability according to IEC 801
       	Protection category IP 67


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公司名: 河南金兰工程管理有限公司

联系人: 李文全

手 机: 18003816292

电 话: 0371-55986298

地 址: 河南郑州金水路226号楷林大厦607

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