Making method: change the traditional cloth art technology, conquer the traditional cloth art can't solve * not neat, line is not straight, encounter cold wet yi deformation and the line change big can't production problems. Construction production than traditional cloth art easy. Main material construction is patent product--soft bag type, when construction in article first floor metope draw on soft package design, and then for the pattern of the contour line nail shop in article type article type, the space structure filled with sound-absorbing cotton, with the article type clamping fabrics. Conventional type: party Angle, the fillet, big and corner cutting Specification: any model and the design can be customized. Sound absorption coefficient: average absorption coefficient of 0.5 or so, on the low frequency effect is ideal. Adornment effect than traditional cloth flexible packaging act: the effect is better, sound-absorbing effect is more ideal. Features: A, sound absorption spectrum of low and high, in high frequency noise, all have better absorption effect. Difficult to burn with fire, no dust pollution, adornment sex is strong, simple construction, etc. Second, cloth art is sound-absorbing board have DuoZhong color and pattern of the surface decoration cloth or imitation leather, leather, to choose, can also be made by customers with facing cloth. And according to the acoustics decorate or the requirement of owner, adjust the facing the material of cloth. Cloth art is sound-absorbing board application places: To be used in the design of all kinds of high quality, intermediate place: the hotel restaurant, decorate office, cinema, theater, gym, studio, studio, conference room, hall, a gym, exchange, business hall, kara OK hall, a bowling alley, a language lab, PaiLianTing, hospitals, library, the station waiting room, restaurant, audition room, home theater, etc. Used for various industrial workshop, the engine room, family of noise control.
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江门纸箱包装厂机械回收电话——欢迎咨询 佰利回收: 纸箱包装厂机械回收,变压器回收,注塑机回收,电镀厂回收,CNC 回收,锅炉回收,电缆回收,二手设备回收,发电机/kloc-0。铝回收、旧电池回收、螺丝机回收、旧电梯回收、拆等。 每利用1t废钢铁可节约1.7t铁矿石,0.68t焦炭和0.28t石灰石,且能无限循环利用,因此,发展废钢铁市场是解决铁矿石危机的必由之路,可以预见,未来的钢铁原料配置中
公司名: 佰利再生资源(东莞)有限公司
联系人: 黄先生
电 话:
手 机: 18665303198
微 信: 18665303198
地 址: 广东东莞南城三元里社区财津商务大厦七楼701-704号
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