NANOMETAL INKs are produced by the Gas Evaporation Method. These newly developed inks consist of metal nanoparticles dispersed stably and not aggregated in some organic solvent. The inks enable to form electro-conductive fine patterns directly by printing processes such as ink-jet printing. Nano Metal Ink Name of Products Au-Nanometal Ink Ag-Nanometal Ink Ag-Nanometal Ink (Low temperature type) ITO Nanometal Ink Type of Number Au1T Ag1T Ag1teH L-Ag1T L-Ag1TeH ITO 1Cden For Ink Jet X X ○ X ○ ○ Metal Content (wt%) 30 30 55〜60 30 55〜60 20 Sovlent Toluene Toluene Tetradecane Toluene Tetradecane Cyclododecene Adhesive Inproving Additives – – – – – – Average Particle Size (mm) 3〜7 Viscocity (mPa·s) <5 <5 5〜15 <5 5〜15 5〜15 Cured-film performance below is a refference only, NOT guaranteed Curing Condition 350℃x30min or 300℃x30min 220℃x30min 150℃x60min *1 Layer After Curing (μm) <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 – Resistivity (μΩ·cm) 350℃x30min: 8〜10 300℃x30min: 12〜15 approx. 3 approx. 3 approx. 10 – Substrates to be used 350℃x30min:8〜10 300℃x30min:12〜15 Heat-resistant temperature of substrates should be higher than curing temperature. Adhesive Strength (kg/mm2) <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 >2 *1 230℃x10min in 8Pa in vacuum + 230℃x60min in air
广州银标供应: UV压敏胶(PSA)如果经过溶液涂布、干燥和化学反应制作的PSA中可能会残留溶剂等有害化学品。但用UV固化方式制作PSA,将无溶剂的液态成分通过UV光照射聚合而成。污染低,简化生产,提高生产效率。UV复合胶传统高阻隔包装材料制作的软包装,几乎都是溶剂型粘合剂,溶剂量>70%。水性粘合剂虽然无溶剂,但干燥慢,生产效率低,对塑料的粘接性能也不好。UV胶粘剂不含溶剂,无挥发,无有害残留物
RO-593 Radio Opaque Ink Surface Resistivity: 2.9 x 1013Ω/square Applications: Printed visual references forX-ray, MRI, CT or other imaginge Features:Smooth finish Can be colored Fast drying Screen,gra
我司供应智能穿戴,IME,柔性传感器*可拉伸导电银浆,压力油墨,可拉伸绝缘油等材料。 可穿戴设备已成为每个人生活的一部分,并且越来越受欢迎。随着从医疗保健到健身追踪的多样化应用,越来越多的可穿戴设备正在开发中,它们可以实时发送和接收信息。迄今为止,就**性和电阻而言,电缆代表了较稳定的通信形式。然而,对于可穿戴系统,电缆会限制运动并在可穿戴传感系统上引入额外的噪声和运动伪影。另一方面,无线设备在设
无铅珐琅釉 我司供应供应德国无铅珐琅釉,适用于高端首饰,手表,珠宝,陶瓷,餐具,玻璃艺术加工等,750度烧结,色彩丰富。 我司供应无铅珠宝珐琅釉料,红宝石珐琅釉,陶瓷釉,玻璃釉笔等,色彩齐全多样 Our range of glass enamel pens is another example of a productthat derived from an industrial applicat
公司名: 广州市银标贸易有限公司
联系人: 赖卓雅
电 话: 020-23732595
手 机: 13710259859
微 信: 13710259859
地 址: 广东广州番禺区广州市番禺区钟村镇钟荣路1号致业科技中心A栋3楼AS388
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公司名: 广州市银标贸易有限公司
联系人: 赖卓雅
手 机: 13710259859
电 话: 020-23732595
地 址: 广东广州番禺区广州市番禺区钟村镇钟荣路1号致业科技中心A栋3楼AS388
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