


    * High Speed Printing

    Maximum speed at 180 meters per minute for UV Inkjet system,220 meters per minute for Water-based Inkjet system.



    Modular Design

    Easy maintenance . The weight of the whole set of equipment is only 10kg and the volume is 0.6m', which is easy to maintain.



    Intelligent and low-consumed

    It can keep on spraying on the line trimming print position and print the resolution. It is equipped with automatic cleaning function with less than 2kw energy consumption.




    It can be used in anti-counterfeit labels, plastic soft bag, cardboard boxes,tin cans, clothing washing superscript/tag, medicine/food packaging.




    规格参数/ Technical Specifications

    ◆系统型号Model     S20A     S20B

    ◆喷印技术Print Technology             压电按Piezoelectric Drop On Demand

    ◆喷印精度 High Resolution         600dpi X 600dpi(可选择A级喷印精度) (with 8 different printing resolutions)prung

    ◆喷印宽幅 Print Width          

    54mml组合式设计可允许多个喷头无缝拼接构成更宽的单一喷头)(modular compact design allows multiple printheads to be stitched together to form a w der printhead)

    ◆喷印内容Print Contents          

    字母、条形码、二维码、中/英文字、静态/动态图像Alphanumeric text, Barcode, 2D code, Chinese/English Character, Static/Dynamic Bitmap

    ◆喷印速度Highest Printing Speed        180米/分钟meters per minute     220米/分钟meters per minute

    ◆墨水滴量Drop size                    6,7,11,17 pl 皮升           5,7,12,18 pl 皮升

    ◆喷印介质Inkjet Printing Medium            

    双胶纸、涂料纸、无碳纸、铜版纸、薄膜、PVC、PET等Offset,Coated Paper,Carbon-less,Bond Paper,film, PVC and PETetc 

    双胶纸、涂料纸、无碳纸、铜版纸等Offset,Coated Paper,Carbon-less,Bond Paper etc

    ◆墨水类型Ink Type              环保型UV墨水。Imported environmental friendly UV ink 

                                  环保型水性墨水。Imported environmental friendly water based ink

    ◆烘干方式 Drving Device          UV紫外固化 UVdrying system         *Without drying

    ◆工作环境Operating Environment         温度18-28℃,湿度50%-80% RH non-condensing

    ◆工作电压Power Requirement        220VAC 50~60HZ


  • 词条


  • 卷筒印刷机

    技术规格:喷头类型:压电式工业级UV/水性喷头喷印宽度:54mm-108mm喷印精度:横向600DP I、纵向200-1200DPI可调喷印速度:6000张-24000张/小时产品尺寸:40mm*50mm-100mm*200mm喷印介质:铜板、PVC、PET、卡纸等卡片厚度:60-600g读 写 器:Impinj烘    干:LED、水冷

  • 数码卷对卷喷码机

    系统特征/ Product features◆高速喷印High Speed Printing高速度UV墨水系统可达220米/分钟、水性墨水系统330 米/分钟。Maximum speed at 220 meters per minute for UV Inkjet system,330 meters per minute for Water-based Inkjet system.◆灵活性强&nb

  • 可变数据条码喷码机

    系统特征/ Product features      ◆精准读写                       

  • 管式喷码机

    S(A/B)卡片、吊牌RFID读写、喷墨、检品、剔废一体设备Card, Rfid read-Write Device,Inkjet,Quality Testing,Discrding Multifunction Equipment系统特征/ Product features      ◆精准读写   &nbs

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公司名: 上海贯众信息技术有限公司

联系人: 陈孝骥

手 机: 18221954016

电 话:

地 址: 上海闵行莘庄工业区上海市闵行区莘庄工业园区元电路597号

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