

    Abstract: This paper introduces the application of Acrel DJSF1352-RN DC energy meter in the DC side of a photovoltaic system in Saudi Arabia. It is mainly used to measure the DC current in the photovoltaic system, and cooperate with current shunts to measure, communicate and control the circuit system.

    1.项目概述:Project Overview


    The company is located in Saudi Arabia. The company is mainly engaged in installation, construction and maintenance of small photovoltaic power generation center projects in Bulgaria and surrounding countries. The customer wants to use DC meters and hall sensors or current shunts for monitoring, metering and communication of current and voltage at the DC side of photovoltaic system, and demands that the DC energy meter would be able to measure two channels of DC circuits.

    2.DJSF1352-RN/D仪表简介 DJSF1352-RN/D DC Energy Meters



    DJSF1352-RN rail-mounted DC power meter with double DC input channels, designed for telecommunications base stations, DC charging piles, solar photovoltaic and other applications, this series of meters can measure the voltage, current, power and forward and reverse energy and so on in the DC system.The actual use of the site, you can measure the total power, but also measure the energy within a specified period of time. The test results can be used for local display, but also with industrial control equipment, computers to form a measurement and control system.

    The meter can have infrared communication interface and RS-485 communication interface, and supports Modbus-RTU protocol and DLT645-97 (07) protocol at the same time.The meter can have relay alarm output and digital input function;You can set the ratio, alarm, and communication through the meter panel keys according to different requirements.The meter can have event recording of switch (Modbus protocol), programming and event setting records (645 protocol), instantaneous and timing freeze function of data (645 protocol), maximum and minimum value recording function of voltage and current power.

    3.型号及功能介绍 Type and Function Description

    Note:when dual DC input(D)function is selected,if Hall current sensor input is used in

    current channel,a power supply module shall be provided to supply power to the second Hall sensor;if D function is not provided,the built-in power supply of elecctric meter can be used.

    Pulse constant:

    4.客户特殊需求Requirements from Customer

    4.1 以下是客户现场太阳能电板参数:

    The following are the customer's on-site solar panel parameters:

    4.2 两路直流电能计量


    The customer requires a DC meter with two channels of direct current metering function, so two current shunts are needed to work with the meter.

    6.安装图片Installation Picture


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公司名: 江苏安科瑞电器制造有限公司

联系人: 刘川

电 话: 18861632831

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公司名: 江苏安科瑞电器制造有限公司

联系人: 刘川

手 机: 18861632831

电 话: 18861632831

地 址: 江苏无锡江阴市南闸东盟东业园区东盟路5号

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