Abstract: The intelligence, refinement and visualization of the distribution system are the trend of distribution management. The smart power meter is designed and installed for the power distribution circuit , in order to real time monitor the working state of each load circuit by setting the parameters of the smart meter. It can improve the safety of energy usage, improve the efficiency of equipment maintenance, reduce labor cost of maintenance, and realize the unattended monitoring of distribution system. Through data collection, real-time monitoring of electrical parameters, analysis of the power quality and distribution system running status, it will save users’ power maintenance costs. This article gives a brief introduction of Acrel PZ ammeter and frequency meter used in Iceland Tandraberg ehf company's motor monitoring project.
Project Overview
Tandraberg ehf公司位于冰岛Eskifjörður,是该国较大的冷冻托盘厂家之一,该公司的生产用多为电机负载,用于工艺切割。由于原电机控制柜未加电力仪表,且变频器工作状况不了解,不知道电机的运行状况,故采购我司PZ系列三相电流表用于电机电流监控以及频率表用于监测回路频率变化.
Tandraberg ehf company, located in Eskifjörður, is one of the largest manufacturers of refrigerated pallets in Iceland, Its main production electricity is motor load, which is used for process cutting. Since the original motor control cabinet doesn’t install with power measuring instrument, and the working condition of Variable-frequency Drive and moter are unknow. Therefore, they purchased Acrel PZ series three-phase ammeter for motor current monitoring and frequency meter for monitoring frequency change.
PZ Series Programmable Intelligent Electric Meters
PZ series of meters adopt AC sampling technology,which can separately measure the current, voltage, power, power factor and electric energy parameters in the grid .It can set the electrical parameter through the panel button.This meter has RS-485 communication interface,adopt Modbus protocol;also can convert the power ** into a standard DC analog **.The meter also has switch input/output,relay/alarm output,etc.
Model description
Technical features
Installation picture
PZ系列仪表具有较高的性能价格比,可以直接取代常规电力变送器及测量仪表。作为一种先进的智能化、数字化的前端采集元件,该电力仪表已广泛应用于各种控制系统,SA 系统和能源管理系统中。
PZ series power meter have high price performance, which can replace power transmitter and other measuring instrument. As an advanced intelligent and digital acquisition device, the power meter has been widely used in various control systems, SA systems and energy management systems.
【摘要】:地铁的出现,不仅能够满足人们对于城市生活的质量要求和日常交通的实际需求,也能够在减缓交通拥堵状况的同时提升出行方式的便捷度,所以此出行方式已经成为了人们在日常生活中的重要交通工具。但就当前地铁运行的实际状况而言,仍会存在一定概率的火灾事故。基于此,本文对电气火灾监控系统在地铁项目中的合理应用进行了分析与应用,以保证地铁站点的安全性与可靠性。 【关键词】:电气火灾监控系统;地铁;应用 1.
摘要:介绍了一种集保护、测量、显示、通信等为一体的电动机保护测控装置,该保护测控装置具有对电动机的过载、堵转、断相、不平衡、接地、过/欠压等故障引起的危害予以不同的保护。同时可通过串口或以太网通讯与电力监控系统Acrel-2000连接,实现在线监测和自动控制。 关键词:电动机保护装置;电力监控系统;在线监测;自动控制 0 引言 某化工企业热电站锅炉引、送风机配套电机功率均为450kW的10kV的高
摘要:作为守护健康、治病救人的场所,医院是所有公共建筑中功能较为复杂的建筑,为**医院的正常运转,大量基础设施和医疗设备需要安全、合理的能源供应**系统。为了提升医院的信息化管理水平,更加科学合理的促使医院节能降耗工作,提高医院后勤**的能源管理技术手段,更加精细化的实现医院各科室的能耗测评等工作。根据医院的实际需求建设一套适合医疗行业医院综合能耗监测管理系统是非常必要的。 本文介绍上海市皮肤病医
1.背景信息 随着**化石能源(石油,煤炭)越来越接近枯竭,污染日趋严重,气候日益变暖等问题,**多个国家和地区相继出台了法规政策,推动了光伏产业的发展。但是现有的光伏监测系统由于线路数量多且集中,导致了大量占用配电房空间的问题。 安科瑞数据中心产品集成度高,单个模块可以监测48个回路,同时还可以搭配开关量采集模块,实现对光伏系统线路的监控。 2.项目信息 荷兰某光伏系统公司,为各类提供光伏系统。
公司名: 江苏安科瑞电器制造有限公司
联系人: 刘川
电 话: 18861632831
手 机: 18861632831
微 信: 18861632831
地 址: 江苏无锡江阴市南闸东盟东业园区东盟路5号
邮 编:
安科瑞远程预付费系统Acrel-3200 先付费后用电 远程管理