Guangzhou Hurricane express have own courier service to Singapore, we already operate for many years. This international service transit fast and safe.and the price is more cheaper then DHL, many customers like to send the goods by this service to Singapore We can pick up in Guangzhou,other place can send the goods to our warehouse.then transit by us. the following is our best price to Singapore and Malaysia by courier (door to door) about 3 days arrive the first 0.5kg: 60RMB, the second 0.5kg: 13RMB above 11kg,the price is RMB26/kg above 21kg:23RMB/KG above 46kg: 21RMB/KG above 71kg:20RMB/KG above: 100kg: 18RMB/KG above 300kg, 16RMB/KG the following is by sea to Singapore door to door service, (about 10 to 12 days) each CBM: 550RMB (SGD 115), 1. if the goods is not enough 1CBM(cubic meter),charge the price by 1CBM price (at least RMB550) , if the goods is more then 1CBM,charge as actual CBM, like the goods is 1.3CBM,charge 1.3CBM*550RMB=715RMB 2. by sea,that is the door to door service, just not including the 7%GST, means that if the goods more then USD250, you want to pay 7%GST for the custom, 3. we will offer all the export and import permit document for you, just you offer the packing list and invoice,send by sea door to door service,all the goods should be send to our appointed warehouse, if need offer for picking up service, please contact us. if you have any inquiry for importation from China, please do not hesitate to contact us for imformation, we will try our best to service you logistics,shipment,shipment from,shipping freight,freight shipping,cargo shipping,shipping cargo,shipping company,air freight,container shipping,international shipping,shipping companies,shipping international,shipping service,shipping costs,international freight,shipping rates,international courier,shipping price,shipping services,freight forwarder,freight forwarding,freight forwarders,sea shipping,business in Singapore,international shipment,cheap shipping,shipping agency,shipping agent,worldwide shipping,shipping business,global shipping,singapore
二辊卷板机主要特点:数控钢板两轴卷圆机科技 数控全自动钢板两轴卷圆机厂家 1、二辊卷板机为一种新型卷板机械。其上辊为钢辊,下辊为钢辊芯外包弹性层,板材置于两辊间并调整其间距,使其接触——加压——下辊变形,板材随之局部变形,驱动两辊旋转,使板材连续弯卷成型。 2、该机可一次成型,生产效率高,制品几何精度高,表面质量好,结构简单辊数较少,操作简便,便于实现生产过程的数控。 3、用途广泛,快速批量制造薄
热轧板自动翻边卷边冲孔机操作简单圆形数控外翻边机 该设备的工作原理即将料板固定在旋压机的模具上,置于工作盘面之上,通过夹紧机构夹紧,启动旋压机,板坯与芯模共同旋转,由辊轮进给并施加压力,使板坯紧贴芯模逐点局部变形,使局部的塑性变形逐步地扩展到材料的全部表面,并紧贴于模具,旋压过程中,慢慢调整升降装置,热轧板自动翻边卷边冲孔机操作简单使主动轴带动旋辊凹模缓缓下落,边旋转边下落,为使旋压出的
铁板不锈钢风管翻边机操作简单圆形数控外翻边机 该设备的工作原理即将料板固定在旋压机的模具上,置于工作盘面之上,通过夹紧机构夹紧,启动旋压机,板坯与芯模共同旋转,由辊轮进给并施加压力,使板坯紧贴芯模逐点局部变形,使局部的塑性变形逐步地扩展到材料的全部表面,并紧贴于模具,旋压过程中,慢慢调整升降装置,铁板不锈钢风管翻边机操作简单使主动轴带动旋辊凹模缓缓下落,边旋转边下落,为使旋压出的前盘R弧
热轧板风机圆筒内外翻边机源头工厂金属加工工艺,它可以用于制造各种金属制品,如汽车零部件、家电、电子产品等。该工艺的应用可以提高工件的强度和稳定性,同时还可以美化工件的外观,增加其使用寿命。 工件刚端翻边工艺的原理是将金属板材的边缘向内弯曲,形成一个弯曲的边缘,从而增加工件的强度和稳定性。这种工艺通常使用专门的机器设备来完成,包括刚端翻边机、切割机、冲床等。 在应用工件刚端翻边工艺时,需要注意以下
公司名: 廊坊艾尼智能设备有限公司
联系人: 许立
电 话:
手 机: 18703266800
微 信: 18703266800
地 址: 河北廊坊大城县广安镇李庄子村
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机械对称式卷板机 二手成色新 双连轴圈圆机 32x2500旧卷圆机设备