电机启动型热敏电阻器 马达启动用正温度系数热敏电阻器,只要用于电冰箱、空调马达启动、空调变频机启动、马达过热保护等。 工作原理:马达启动器是利用PTC陶瓷的电流-时间特性,当电压施加于PTCR时,开始有大电流I流过,经过一定时间ts后,随着PTCR温度的升高,电阻值*增大,导致电流也急剧下降,这段时间ts可以从0.1s到几秒,其值取决于PTCR的热容量、电阻值、热耗散条件、负载电阻及工作电压,当外电压撤销时,PTCR将冷却至常温电阻值。利用这个原理,在家用电冰箱和空调机等电器马达启动上得到了广泛的使用。应该说明,当使用PTCR的延迟性能时,如果要重复同一延迟时间,应间隔一定时间tr(即所谓的恢复时间),使PTCR恢复到原始状态温度,所以应避免立即重复动作,否则PTCR不能提供持续的大电流,使压缩机无法正常启动工作,会导致压缩机烧毁。电机在启动时,要克服本身的惯性,同时还要克服负载的反作用力(如冰箱压缩机启动时必须克服制冷剂的反作用力),因此电机启动时需要较大的电流和转矩。当转动正常后,为了节约能源,需要的转矩又要大幅度下降。给电机加一组辅助线圈,只在启动时工作,正常后它就断开。将PTC热敏电阻串联在启动辅助线圈, 启动后PTC热敏电阻进入高阻态切断辅助线圈,正好可以达到这种效果.产品优势:采用带有PTCR的启动电路具有经济、可靠、电路简单等特点,优于过去的重锤式启动电路,它具有无触点、低噪声、高可靠、**命等特点。 PTC Thermistors for Motor-StartingApplicationsMotor-starting PTC Thermistors are mainly used in fridge and air-conditioner motor-starting, air-conditioner transducer-starting, motor over-heating protection.Working TheoriesMotor-starter is a machine that makes use of the PTC pottery current-time feature. When PTCR is put on by pressure, the heavy current begins to pass through, and after certain time, with the increasing of the PTC temperature, resistance value goes up sharply and cause current to fall down suddenly. During this time, ts can change from 0.1s to several seconds. The specific time depends on PTCR’s heating capacity, resistance value, heating dissipation condition, overloaded resistance and operating voltage. When the outer electricity pressure retreats, PTC will become cool and alter to normal resistance. Making use of this theory, PTC is applied extensively in household refrigerator and air-conditioner motor-starter and so on. One point should be noticed that when using the delay-time feature of PTC, we should make the PTC recover to its original temperature every certain time tr(That is what we called recovering time). So sudden repeated movements should be avoided, otherwise PTC cannot provide constant heavy current, and the compressor cannot start or work normally, which will cause the compressor burnt.When the electricity motor is being started, it has to overcome its inertia and the counterforce of loading (eg: Its counterforce must be overcome when refrigerator compressor starts), so starting the electricity motor needs relatively heavy current and torque. When it runs normally, and the torque needed has to be brought down to save energy. Give motor electricity a circle assistant loop, and it works only when the motor starts and it will break up after the current goes regularly. This effect can be reached by connecting the PTC Thermistor in series in starting assistant loop and cutting off the assistant loop when PTCR enters the state of high resistance.AdvantagesThe starting circuit with PTC owns the feature of being economic, reliable, simple which is better than the heavy hammer starting circuit Additionally, It has the characteristics of being contactless, lower noise, high reliability, long service and so on.
泉州HDPE高密度M5350-价格行情HDPE是一种由共聚生成的热塑性聚烯烃。虽然HDPE在1956年已推出,但这种塑料还没达到成熟水平。这种通用材料还在不断其新的用途和市场。 我国国内高密度聚(这里的高密度聚不包括全密度聚装置生产的高密度聚)的生产商有中石油、中石化、中海油三大企业,截至2006年年底,属于中石油的高密度聚装置有4套,即兰州石化高密度聚装置、大庆石化高密度聚装置、辽阳石化高密度
生产:ABS生产分为掺混法和接枝法。如今主要生产商大多采用先接枝再掺混的,此法又分为乳液接枝-乳液SAN掺混法,乳液接枝-悬浮SAN掺混法,乳液接枝-本体SAN掺混法。新兴的本体接枝法无论从生产成本和对的影响都有很大优势,是今后研究的重点。 分类: ABS根据冲击强度可分为:超高抗冲型、高抗冲击型、中抗冲型等品种; ABS根据成型加工工艺的差异,又可分为:注射、挤出、压延、真空、吹塑等品种; A
来宾LLDPE电线电缆218N-优质HDPE加工 挤塑:用于挤塑生产的品级一般具有小于1的熔体指数和中宽到宽的MWD。在加工中,低的MI可适宜的熔体强度。更宽MWD品级更适于挤塑,因为它们具有更高的生产速度,较低的模口压力而且熔体断裂趋势。 PE有许多挤塑用途,如电线、电缆、软管、管材和型材。管材应用范围从用于天然气小截面黄管用于工业和城市管道的厚壁黑管。大直径中空壁管用作混凝土制成的雨水排水管
肇庆HDPE滚塑E309-门市价HDPE是一种由共聚生成的热塑性聚烯烃。虽然HDPE在1956年已推出,但这种塑料还没达到成熟水平。这种通用材料还在不断其新的用途和市场。 我国国内高密度聚(这里的高密度聚不包括全密度聚装置生产的高密度聚)的生产商有中石油、中石化、中海油三大企业,截至2006年年底,属于中石油的高密度聚装置有4套,即兰州石化高密度聚装置、大庆石化高密度聚装置、辽阳石化高密度聚装置
公司名: 东莞市龙炎塑胶原料有限公司
联系人: 凡勇峰
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手 机: 13556683130
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地 址: 广东东莞常平镇塑通路五街599号
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