1. 231423(1659 1.5T)
2. 203509(2048.3)
3. WV300
4. Levelling jacks 10 t type 8251.10
5. Levelling jacks 25 t, type 2724.25.
6. Levelling jacks 10 t, type 2724.10
7. Levelling jacks 20 t, type 2724.20
8. Lifting spindle 10 t type 2930.10
9. Lifting spindle 10 t, type 2931.10
10. Support device 32 t type 3108.32 for vehicles with air suspension
11. Support device 32 t, type 2942.32 for vehicles with steel suspension
12. Lifting device 10 t removable version, type 1689.10
13. Lifting device 10 t swing-to version, type 1689.10
14. Lifting device 5 t removable version, type 1889.5 basic version
15. Lifting device 10 t removable version, type 1889.10 basic version
16. Lifting device 5 t removable, type 1889.5
17. Lifting device 10 t removable, type 1889.10
18. Lifting device 20 t removable, type 1889.20
19. Lifting device 5 t swing-to version, type 1889.5
20. Lifting device 10 t swing-to version, type 1889.10
21. Lifting device 20 t swing-to version, type 1889.20
22. Lifting device 12 t pivotable, type 2689.12
23. Lifting device type 12 t retractable, type 2689.12
24. Lifting device 5 tincorporated, type 1889.5
25. Lifting device 10 t incorporated, type 1889.10
26. Lifting device 20 tincorporated, type 1889.20
27. Lifting-, Rolling- and Loading System 6,5 t, type 1350.6,5
28. Lifting-, Rolling- and Loading System 10 t, type 1350.10
29. Lifting-, Rolling- and Loading System 10 t, type 1350.FR
30. Container roller 3,5 t, Typ 4337.3,5
31. Container roller 4 t, Typ 4336.4
32. Container roller 8 t, Typ 4336.8
33. Container roller 16 t, Typ 4336.16.
上海罗臻机电优势供应Haacon齿轮 Haacon千斤顶 Haacon驱动器 Haacon升降机
Haacon 紧凑型蜗杆齿轮4522
Haacon 紧凑型蜗杆齿轮4541
Haacon 单闸驱动器1211
Haacon 单闸驱动器1212
Electronic Simplex 是一种用于测量线性位移的尺寸显示器,它结合在同一个外壳中«磁性位置传感器、显示器和电池电源»。显示单元在一根铝条上运行,铝条中装有一条磁条。●在杆上运行的显示单元测量执行的实际移动,消除间隙和未对准,F20-F18-F18RS;
HAACONHaacon是一家专注于吊装技术的公司,主要产品有起吊设备、集装箱齿轮组、支撑装置、提升、滚动和装载系统。主要型号:1. 231423(1659 1.5T) 2. 203509(2048.3)3. WV3004. Levelling jacks 10 t type 8251.105. Levelling jacks
DC电机:有刷DC电机,无刷DC电机(BLDC),步进电机(STP);AC电机:感应电机IM,永磁电PM。较基本的电机是 “DC电机(有刷电机)”。在磁场中放置线圈,通过流动的电流,线圈会被一侧的磁较排斥,同时被另一侧磁较所吸引,在这种作用下不断旋转。在旋转过程中令通向线圈中的电流反向流动,使其持续旋转。电机中有个叫换向器的部分是靠电刷供电的,电刷的位置在转向器上方,随着旋转不断移动。通过改变电刷
公司名: 上海罗臻机电设备有限公司
联系人: 赵琼琼
电 话: 18221213561
手 机: 13681932280
微 信: 13681932280
地 址: 上海宝山上海市宝山区尚大国际D座411室
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