产品名称:鼓风干燥箱GZX-GF101-1-BS-II 产品简介:101-1-BS-II 系列 适用范围: 该产品供工矿企业、化验室、科研单位作干燥、烘焙、熔腊、灭菌之用。 Scope:lt s applcable in drying , baking,wax melting and sterilization in factories and mines, laboratories and R&D institutes 结构特点:Construction features: 控温器是采用微电脑智能温度控制,具有PID自整定、双LED数字显示和菜单式多个控制参数设置功能,带有**温故障报警、故障自动断电保护,及时间设定:0-9999分钟,使控温更精确、操作方便、温度示值显示准确直观。工作室采用优质冷轧钢板制成,四角圆弧形易清洁,搁板高低可任意调节。外门装有双层玻璃观察窗,便于观察室内培养物情况。 The temperature control has 2 models.e.g.digital display and cursor mod. which can be freely selected Digital display intellectuai temperature controller has functio-ns of PID automatic setting and dual LED digital display. multiple controlling param-eter setting and control functions for alarmjng and automatically switching off to make the temperature control more accurate. it adopts excellont steel plates or mirror stainless steel plates to manufacture the work room .with arc shape angles which are easy to be cleaned .and whose shelf can be freely adjusted. The outside door has observation window. Advanced heat wind clrculation system makes the temperature of work room moee even and lncrease rapidly 主要技术指标: Primary technical indexes: * 控 温 范 围: Temperature contral scope: RT+10 ℃-300℃ * 温 度 波 动: Temperature flctuation: ±1℃ * 温度分辨率: Temperature contral : ±0.1% * 额定功率(KW):Rated power (KW) : 1.3 压 / 电 源: Voltage / powe : 220V±10% / 50HZ+2% * 工作室尺寸(cm):Size of work room ( cm ) : 45X35X45 外形尺寸(cm):Outine Size ( cm ) : 73X54X62 装尺寸(cm): Package Size ( cm ) : 87X66X78 Kg): Net /gross weight ( kg ) ; 41 / 66
公司名: 邯郸德鑫再生物资回收有限公司
联系人: 苗经理
电 话:
手 机: 15075097550
微 信: 15075097550
地 址: 河北邯郸丛台区富强路398号
邮 编:
网 址: hdsjhg.b2b168.com