
    In today's chemistry, how in the shortest possible time to explore a best reaction condition, as far as possible to shorten the time of research and development, to ensure that new products have a competitive advantage, it needs a set of suitable Senlang parallel reaction system, at the same time a number of experiment, accelerate the development process. SLP parallel reactor is Beijing century senlong company technology for chemical screening of reaction conditions and special design, each reactor equipped with independent of temperature, speed and other parameters control. Design of compact, explosion-proof device, pressure gauges, inlet valve, the sampling valve, vent valve, each reaction vessel is equipped with the original German imports of high-power DC motor. Can be a plurality of reaction kettle kettle body parallel test, each separate control, accelerate the progress of research and development. SLP parallel reactor is widely used in a variety of catalytic reaction, high temperature and high pressure synthesis, hydrogenation reactor, gas-liquid two-phase flow, liquid liquid two phase, an exothermic reaction, composition, stability test, corrosion test, fine chemical, supercritical reaction, catalyst evaluation and development of applications, mainly in the petrochemical, chemical, pharmaceutical, polymer synthesis, metallurgy and other fields.
    SLP parallel reactor in the design and development, manufacturing, installation and commissioning, the factory inspection every stage strictly, ensure that every reactor has the highest use and security. At the same time, Beijing Century Limited Senlang experimental apparatus technology department is willing to professional training of technical service team to provide users with the perfect pre-sale technical advice, technical communication with customer, provide selection help; according to the customer's actual requirements of customized special reactor, provide on-site technical training products and installation commissioning and warranty service.


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公司名: 常州昆耀自动化科技有限公司

联系人: 彭经理

手 机: 13961122002

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地 址: 江苏常州江苏省常州市武进经济开发区政大路1号力达工业园4楼凌科自动化

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