环氧脂肪酸1号 分 子 式:C19H36O3物化性质:本品为无色透明液体,溶于大多数**溶剂。产品用途:主要用于生产高品质无毒PVC制品,如儿童玩具、输液管、一次性PVC手套、冰箱密封条以及食品包装膜等。代替柠檬酸三丁酯TBC、对二二辛脂DOTP等环保无毒增塑剂。 产品特点1、环保、无毒:此产品以****成品植物油为原料生产,产品已通过***检测,完全达到欧盟的环保要求,现已成功应用于出口欧盟的塑料玩具中。2、颜色:产品颜色达到35号,和DOTP颜色一致,不影响生产任何透明PVC制品3、环氧值:此产品为国内同类产品中环氧值较高的,有效增加替代份数,降低PVC制品生产成本。 4、无异味:我公司经多年研究开发,生产的环氧甲脂一号没有任何异味,从而提高了PVC制品的质量。5、添加我公司生产的一号环氧脂肪酸可使PVC成品颜色更加鲜亮,手感更加柔软,抗寒耐热效果更加明显。 无色无味环氧脂肪酸替代二辛酯 产品指标 Product Index 项目Item 标准要求Standard 检验结果Check Result 环氧值Epoxy Value ≥5 5.2 水分Moisture content ≤0.1 0.05 酸价Acid Value ≤1 0.6 色号Color(APHA) ≤50 35 碘值Iodine Value ≤6 4 闪点Flash point 175-185 180 密度Density 0.94-0.96 0.95 气味Odor NO NO 冷凝点Condensation point ? 7℃ 备注Remarks ? ? Epoxy Fatty Acid Methyl Ester No.1 Molecular Formula :C19H36O3 Physicochemical Properties :It is a kind of colorless transparent liquid and can be soluble in most of organic solvent . Application::It is mainly used to produce high-quality PVC products ,such as children toys ,perfusion tube , disposable PVC glove ,refreigerator seal and food package film ,etc . As a nontoxic and environmental-protection plasticzer ,it could replace tributyl citrate(TBC) and dioctyl terephthalate ( DOTP) Product Features : Environmental-protection and nontoxic : the product is made of ** natural plant oil , and has passed *** test and fully achieved the environmental-friendly requirement of EU ,Now it has been widely used to the platics toys which be exported to EU Color:the color of APHA reaches at 35 , accordance with the color of DOTP , and the product could be used to produce any kinds of transparent PVC products . Epoxy value : Epoxy value is the highest among the similar products in domestic,It can increase the subsitution quantity to reduce the cost of the PVC products . No odor :Through our dedicated research and development in recent years ,it has been no smell which helps to improve the quality of PVC products. It can make the color of PVC product be more vivid ,hand-touch be softer and the effect of cold/ heat-resistant be more significatn by using Epoxy fatty acid methyl ester No.1
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