lando water chiller :Ideal Saltwater Aquarium Temperature(Clown Triggerfish) Maintaining an ideal saltwater aquarium temperature is very important. Fluctuations on temperature will cause great stress to your fish and worst effect on live corals. Saltwater fish normally experience a few changes in temperature in their natural habitat. It remains the same throughout the year. So you would want to copy the natural environment and maintain a constant temperature in your aquarium as much as possible. The main point is to keep the tempature stable in your tank. Most aquarist invest more on heaters or maybe bothe heaters and chillers. More accurate saltwater aquarium heaters are now available to all hobbyists. Lando Suggested requirement is to maintain the temperature to 75°F - 79°F(20-25). This range is dependent on the type of fish or any species you choose. Natural habitat average temperature are 82°F. Most fish and invertebrates are cold-blooded animals. It means that their body temperatures are the same as the water in which they live. Their bodies function best at a specific water temperature. All fishes have temperature preference depending where they came from (out in their natural world). Try asking your local pet dealer for information on aquarium temperature. Or better yet, try to read one of the many fish encyclopedias available for the specific temperature of your specific pet. Also, try not to mix or house fishes that have a very different temperature preference. It will be easier to house the ones that require temperature that are in close range. So with the suggested aquarium temperature given, it's still more important to keep that stable.
兰多科技专业答复水族朋友们关于所谓的海水养殖纯钛蒸发器: 海水养殖纯钛蒸发器你了解多少 钛管蒸发器又称钛炮,结构是采用钛管及PVC管经过热胶条焊接而成,彻底杜绝了因海水腐蚀蒸发器而产生的制冷系统故障,同时具备良好的保温效果,以及外表美观等优点,为分体式及开放式冷凝机组之较优蒸发器搭配。 海水养殖纯钛蒸发器适用范围: 适用于各类养殖场、水族店以及工业水冷却系统机组。 钛管蒸
It is very important to keep aquarium water cool during the hot summer days
Keep Aquarium Water Cool It is very important to keep aquarium water cool during the hot summer days. Keep Aquarium Water Cool It is very important to keep aquarium water cool during the hot summer da
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公司名: 深圳市兰多科技有限公司
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