一 Background
In recent years, in response to global warming and climate change caused by greenhouse gas emissions,many countries have focused on promoting electric vehicles to replace traditional fuel vehicles. And the construction of charging piles is very important in the promotion of new energy vehicles.Therefore, a large number of charging pile projects have emerged around the world.
二、 Project Overview
The company is a charging pile manufacturer located in India, using our AC energy meter ADL100 and ADL3000 to match their AC charging pile. Our products have been using since 2019, and they are very satisfied with the quality of our products.
三、Introduction of Acrel AC energy meters for charging pile
四、 Structure
1.Solutions For Enterprise Micro-grid System 2020.02
AC Energy meter applicated in India Charging Pile
朱鹍安科瑞电气股份有限公司 上海嘉定一 BackgroundIn recent years, in response to global warming and climate change caused by greenhouse gas emissions,many countries have focused on promoting electric vehicles to r
浅谈工业网关分类及关键指标分析朱鹍安科瑞电气股份有限公司 上海嘉定 201801【摘要】工业互联网的发展,加速了信息技术( IT) 和操作技术( OT) 的融合进程。但工业互联网标准碎片化和工业企业自动化程度低,已成为阻碍设备互联互通、人机互联的瓶颈。工业数据采集是工业互联网和智能制造的基础,是“两化”融合的先决条件。工业网关作为数据采集、数据转发的重要设备,是实现从边缘侧
朱鹍安科瑞电气股份有限公司,上海 嘉定 201801;【摘要】:电力供应是整个社会生产、人民生活的基本之一,也是全世界普遍的能源形式,而且多数资源都被人类运用各种方式转换为电能而加以利用,经济的高速运行也使各领域的用电负荷急速上升,各种疏漏和故障层出不穷,电力监控系统可以发现涉及千万用户的各项用电疏漏。我司提供的电力监控系统方案具有成熟化、模块化、监控软件和核心联网采集产品*的特点,易于
朱鹍安科瑞电气股份有限公司,上海 嘉定 201801;摘要:本文以安科瑞智能照明系统在阳光东尚S5地块的应用为案例,介绍智能照明系统实现对现场设备的系统集成,数据的采集、传输以及存储,验证了该系统的功能及实用性。关键词:阳光东尚S5地块;智能照明1 概述 ASL1000智能照明监控系统,采用与KNX兼容的Acrel
公司名: 安科瑞电子商务(上海)有限公司
联系人: 王子锋
电 话:
手 机: 15000353138
微 信: 15000353138
地 址: 上海嘉定嘉定育绿路225号
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安科瑞远程预付费系统Acrel-3200 先付费后用电 远程管理