Abstract: With the rapid development of data centers, the energy consumption of data centers has become more and more prominent. It is an effective way to improve energy efficiency and reduce energy consumption to provide a complete solution for data center. This article introduces the application of Acrel's precision power distribution monitoring device in a data center in Serbia.
Keywords: AC multi channels power meter, Data Center.
1. Project Overview
The Serbian customer needs to monitor voltage, current, power and other electrical parameters on DPU in data center, measure a total of 48 branches of A+B feed, and provide current transformers at the same time. Acrel AMC16 series products and split core current transformers fully meet this customer’s requirements.
2. Acrel Precision distribution monitoring solution for IDC
It is necessary to real-time monitor and centralize power consumption in data center and data can be displayed on HMI,and uploaded to the power and environment monitoring system by RS485 on touch screen and realize real-time monitoring of whole power distribution system. At the same time, it can realize energy efficiency analysis to reduce energy consumption.
Incoming line and outgoing line circuits independent monitoring modules;
Can measure up to 2 incoming line circuits and up to 192 outgoing line circuits current,voltage,power,energy and power quality;
Data centralized monitoring and display by HMI and data is uploaded to power and environment monitoring system through RS485;
For high voltage DC 240V or 336V system,insulation monitoring module can be added to monitor ground insulation resistance of main bus;
DC24V power supply for touch screen and outgoing line monitoring module(power supply from main module output );
Communication:monitoring device by RS485,touch screen by RS485 or RJ45,
3. Structure
4. Product Selection
5. Photos on Site
1.Solutions For Enterprise Micro-grid System 2020.02
摘要:本文结合工作实际,针对当前村镇养老机构存在的消防隐患进行了分析和探讨,在此基础上提出了加强村镇养老机构消防监督检查工作的防火对策。关键词:村镇养老机构;消防;消防设施;防火对策;智慧消防;火灾报警;灭弧保护;漏电保护;0引言 我国已进入了老龄化的社会,养老机构特别是村镇级的养老机构在满足高龄、半失能、经济基础相对差等
朱鹍安科瑞电气股份有限公司 上海嘉定 201801 摘 要:基于工程的安全可靠、提升工作效率,阐述机电一体化发展过程中电机的保护与控制措施,通过问题的归纳、措施的实施,进一步提高技术的稳定性与可靠性。 关键词:机电一体化,电机保护,控制技术 0引言随着机电一体化的推广与普及,技术的可靠性与稳定性都有了大
摘要:介绍丹江口汉江电力(集团)发展有限公司-局大楼10KV配电改造,采用智能电力仪表、采集配电现场的各种电参量和开关信号。系统采用现场就地组网的方式,组网后通过现场总线通讯并远传至后台,通过电力管理系统实现变电所用电的实时监控和管理。 关键词:智能电力仪表;丹江口汉江电力局大楼;10KV配电改造;电力管理系统;
公司名: 安科瑞电子商务(上海)有限公司
联系人: 王子锋
电 话:
手 机: 15000353138
微 信: 15000353138
地 址: 上海嘉定嘉定育绿路225号
邮 编:
安科瑞远程预付费系统Acrel-3200 先付费后用电 远程管理