Abstract: the user side consumes 80% of the electric energy of the whole power grid, and the intelligent power management of the user side is of great significance to the user's reliability, safety and saving of electricity. The intelligent power service system is constructed to promote the multi-function energy meter intelligent energy management terminal and other equipment power management solutions to realize the two-ways positive interaction between the power grid and the user. The research contents that the client needs to solve mainly include: advanced meter, intelligent building, intelligent appliance, value-added service, customer power management system, demand side management and so on.
Acrel intelligent multi-function energy meter with intelligent energy management system to help customers achieve real-time monitoring, high-precision electrical parameters acquisition, easy to install. It is suitable for the itemized measurement of electric energy in government organs and large public buildings.
1.Project Overview
UAE customers use the EMS Smart Energy Management System to monitors and manages the distribution of facilities on each floor in real time. The customer installs Acrel ADL10-E single phase energy meter in the distribution cabinet, it connects with the gateway through RS485 communication mode, and connects the uplink Ethernet to the server. Feedback the collected information to the management platform in real time.
2.AD10-E Series DIN rail Single Phase Energy Meter
ADL10-E single phase electric energy meter is a new generation energy meter designed by Acrel Co,.Ltd with many years’ experience in designing electricity meters. Measurement, statistic, communication and LCD display functions are installed in the power meter. This power meter has advantages of high stability, low power consumption and data saving after blackout etc. All meters meet the related technical requirements of electronic power meter in the IEC62053-21、 IEC62053-22 standards.
3.Model description
4 Function
5.Technical Parameters
6.Installation & Wiring
work Topology
8.Installation Site
9.In conclusion
ADL10-E series of multifunctional energy meters adopt DIN35mm guide rail type installation with small volume, it can measure electric energy and other electrical parameters, can measure the basic electrical parameters, and directly access to the maximum current of 60A. Via RS485 communication, with the gateway, power management system to complete the networking mode. To help customers to simple, effective real-time monitoring of energy consumption in building buildings, greatly save the process of human meter reading, and visual display of all data can be users, improve management efficiency.
1.Solutions For Enterprise Micro-grid System 2021.04
朱鹍安科瑞电气股份有限公司 上海嘉定 2018011摘要:以往,在停车器控制系统中使用接触器来控制执行电机的正转与反转,由于接触器有动作触点,当触点动作时会产生电火花,而且随着触点动作次数的增加,触点接触电阻会变大,导致电机供电缺相,*造成堵转,从而可能烧坏电机。本文介绍了使用大功率晶闸管进行电动机正反转控制和相关的故障保护,应用ARM微控制器实现了晶闸管故障状态的诊断,并分别实现了具有过载保护
朱鹍安科瑞电气股份有限公司 上海嘉定 202208 摘要:为避免因电线接头松动、电缆老化等引发高温造成火灾,所造成的的经济损失巨大,在一些电气设备如大电流电缆设备节点、电力设备局部异常升温部位、开关柜的动静触头,进线与出线母排接点、整流柜中的电气接点、变压器节点、变电站或者户外重要电路中的电气接点等,进行安全温度监测及智能化控制是非常有必要的。对此,我司智能操控能系列产品能有效解决此类问
朱鹍安科瑞电气股份有限公司 上海嘉定 项目概述 该项目总投资约2.6亿元,建筑规模为4.8万㎡,建设地点在南屿镇葛岐村、晓岐村。项目设有教学楼A区、教学楼B区、教学楼C区、综合楼一区、综合楼二区、室内篮球场、室内游泳馆、足球场等。 此电能管理系统为Acrel-3000V7.1系统,在结构设计和工程配置上充分考虑项目的实际情况,的实现相关功能,满足电力系统线路运行的相关要求,体
朱鹍安科瑞电气股份有限公司 上海嘉定 201801【摘要】目前高校正在推进和深化节约型校园的建设,本文针对广州铁路职业技术学院公共机房能源浪费比较严重的问题,提出一种基于 KNX 总线的智能控制系统解决方案,通过总线智能控制技术,对机房的照明、空调、教学电脑进行管理和监控,避免能源浪费现象的发生。实践证明,系统节能效果好、稳定可靠、操作方便,有效地提高了学院公共机房的管理水
公司名: 安科瑞电子商务(上海)有限公司
联系人: 王子锋
电 话:
手 机: 15000353138
微 信: 15000353138
地 址: 上海嘉定嘉定育绿路225号
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